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Some Lunar Images from the 5th


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Don't normally take pictures at this stage of the lunar cycle, but stayed up late last night and took this series through the Europa 250mm F4.8 at prime focus. Used the Toucam Pro camera and a Neodynium filter.

Not great on lunar topography but hopefully the experts on here will put me right if I have gone wrong.

I've annotated the ones I think I can recognise, but I'm struggling a bit with the one on the bottom right. Ought to know it, but the brain won't work.



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Looks like the Mare Imbrium to me Geoff. That is Plato at the top, with the Alpine Valley to the right of it. The large one directly below is Archimedes,

and right of that is Aristillus with Autolycus below it.

They are very sharp images.

Ron. :(

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You are a star. I sort of recognised it because it was similar to an image I took some time back, but couldn't place it.

I had been using my ATIK camera and just couldn't get anything, so in desperation I switched to the Toucam and was quite pleased with the end result.


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