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Cables. Stupid, trip hazard, cables.

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As subject really. ;)

Does anyone in the UK offer a service that makes cable runs? By a run, I mean a run of all the necessary cables for imaging?

I want to run power for an NEQ6 (12v), USB for DMK41 camera, USB for EQMOD, RJ10 for a motor focuser etc. Whole lot needs to cover 8m from my workshop.

Other wants? Coiled cables from camera, focuser, mount control and power to allow safe meridian flip.

I cannot find anyone who can build a loom like this with interference suppression. So everyone is into building their own cable runs. And spend time sorting issues rather than imaging.

Open spot in the market?

I've had to build my own, and it's been fun. But expensive.



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I've gone for a hub approach so 90% of the cables sit on top of the mount and I only have one power and USB cable running away from the mount.

Looms are great, but as Olly says, what happens when that one cable in the middle of the run decides to play up ..... ;)

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Yes, I agree. I have household sink drain pipe from pier to warm room - 40mm white plastic with easy bends rather than elbows (goes under the floor). A length of bailing twine (extremely strong) also accompanies the cables for adding extra cables as and when required. I too use a hub for all the low data rate devices including SPC900NC on finder scope. The high speed imaging cameras - DSLR and QHY5 have their own individual USB 2 cables. So that's 3 USB plus 13.8v mount power and mains. This is a relatively tidy setup whilst permitting changing cables easily. The problem comes at the mount ;) I'm working on that.

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I generally run just a single 240V line out to my telescope. That feeds a 4-way socket that sits under the tripod and powers all the various power supplies which are also under the tripos. I reckon that's the safest place, it's also quite central - so convenient.

If I wanted to run multiple cables and couldn't route them away from the areas where people (me!) walk, I'd probably invest in a few of these:


(Link: http://www.staples.co.uk/technology/power-management/cable-management/robust-rubber-cable-cover-type-b-cavity-hxw-10-x-30mm-3m-long-grey?r=se)

They're not cheap, but better than breaking an expensive toy, or a leg.

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I don't like the cables but at the old place I did the pipe buried with cables in it trick

never again after I tried to replace one ,its rats nest time on the floor and if I have to replace a cable or strip down to swap kit over it only takes 10mins

and very loosely attached around the scopes and mount

I was at a star party and somebody had all their cables tie wrapped nice and neat only too find they where too tight and caused all sorts of problems


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