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my best Saturn yet, but need help tweaking the colours


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I managed to grab a quick image of saturn in tonights hazey humid conditions.

Turns out it's my sharpest and most detailed yet, but very orange!!

Anyone have any advice to offer on how to turn this into a more "traditional" colour for Saturn.

This is 2000 frames out of a 3000 frame AVI, taken with these parameters

Frame Rate (fps)=10.00

Colour Space / Compression=I420









Thanks for any tips


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Could be that you have too much red compared to blue. Were you using an IR filter? If the controls allow it, I'd always have the gamma backed off to 0 as well.


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Hi I hope you don't mind but I had a quick mess around with your image in painshop pro. I couldn't lighten it much but I did manage to pull some colour out of the image.


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Hmmm.. yeah tough one to sort out as the yellow is very consistent so to get much difference between the rings and the planet is difficult. I did auto levels, then added a cooling filter but still needed to tweak colours in midtones and highlights via colour balance (this is all in photoshop)

So here's the result I ended up with which some people may think looks a bit washed out, but actually if you look at the hubble natural colour version here:http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/pr1998028c/

Saturn's colours are a lot less saturated than many amateur shots.. thats according to the hubble people of course.

It is a fantastic image by the way, regardless of colour.


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Thanks all for the pointers.

@JamesF - yes I use an IR filter. I found I had to add some gamma or gain to get the image bright enough, interestingly I'm now processing a capture I took a few minutes later where I increased gamma from 7 to 13 and increased gain from 21 to 23 and that capture is a better colour...

@Jupiterholic - I think that hubble shot has had a bit too much wavelet action, it looks a bit over-sharpened to me ;)

@Stuart - I couldnt find a whitebalance control on sharpcap for the SPC - but there is one when I use the onboard webcam (obviously I dont use that one for imaging!). I'll try the blue and red sliders to see if they help

Thanks again all

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Saturn's colours are a lot less saturated than many amateur shots.. thats according to the hubble people of course.

It is a fantastic image by the way, regardless of colour.

Huh! What do they know...........:eek:.

Saturate and be damned.....;)


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