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Multi-Function XBOX Camera (Webcam/Imaging/GuideCam)


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Inspired by other threads on here, I decided to modify a XBOX Live Vision webcam, since they are cheap (£4) and are proving to be relatively good.

1) First off I totally dismantled the original housing, removing everything to just leave the bare circuit board and usb wire.

2) I crushed the 4 green LEDs with small needlenose pliers.

3) I removed the IR filter.

4) Using a 8x5x3cm project box from Maplin, I cut out a hole for the camera to stick through and placed a few drilled holes to aid ventilation.

5) A small piece of breadboard was fashioned to fit in the lower section of the project box.

6) I cut the +5v/GND wires of the USB lead and soldered in the 40mm 5v fan connections.

7) The usb lead has a GND surround which needed to be removed in order to get at the inner wires, so I added a single wire back in.

8) Cut the rear of the project box to make room for the 40mm fan.

9) Screwed the webcam circuit board into the project box using the existing holes on the PCB.

10) Mounted the fan on the project box with a 40mm fan grill.

11) Cut a small hole for the usb lead to come out of.

12) Screwed the project box all together.

So there we have it, a multi-function actively-cooled XBOX Live Vision camera:

A) Operates as a normal webcam using the original lens

:( Can be used as an imaging webcam using a standard Philips SPC 1.25" nosepiece adapter

C) Can be used a guidecam in the Skywatcher 9x50 finder with the adapter from Modern Astronomy.

Still waiting for this awful wet weather to go away before it gets tested in the field. Initial indoor results are positive.









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Looks good Matt, I'd be interested to see how it works as a guide cam and a Imaging cam (I didn't think the quality was that great on mine).

Please post your progress.

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Has anyone done this and used it as a guide scope?

Also, Mattgoo, which type of box is that from Maplins? They have a boatload of boxes there...Might try and find something local (canada).

Also, for the adapter to the finder scope, do you just unscrew the eyepiece and screw the adapter in?

Thanks for your post - looks like a really good (economical) setup.


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Nigel - I've PM'd you back.

The box was just a standard black 8x5x3cm project enclosure - any small plastic box from an electronics dealer will do - I chose this size since it's the smallest but with enough room for the 40mm fan.

You remove the rear part of the standard 9x50 Skywatcher finder and the adapter from Modern Astronomy (£29) screws in, and has a standard webcam/spc900nc fitting/thread. It says you may have to remove the locking band at the front of the finder to achieve focus.

Due to the awful UK weather over the past few weeks, I've not been able to get out and test it, so frustrating!

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You rekon this xbox cam exposure level work pretty good with solar imaging

has anyone tested with sun yet ?

i was thinking may need to up exposure level especially once baarder solar filter is over telescope.

just modded xbox cam ready for me telescope

would tested but damn clouds here at moment

Edited by Stargazing_Cliff
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If you really want to do finder-guiding on the cheap it might be possible to fit the camera into the back of a binocular finder. I'm building a right-angle 8x50 finder at the moment from a broken binocular objective:


Without the diagonal the camera could just go straight into the back. It would be interesting to see if the Xbox cam can pick up enough stars to be useful as a guider.


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