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Hi from Scotland.


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Hi all,

Thought I would introduce myself, for those of you who haven't had to suffer my questions in the beginners advice thread :(.

Do not own a scope yet & spending time asking questions on here,assessing the great advice & starting all over again because my initial idea was mince :p. The guys in the beginners advice have been brilliant & very patient.

Recently divorced,hence having money to spend :D, & decided I should take up a hobby.I have always been fascinated by the heavens, & aircraft but that is another story, & have decided to embark,as many of you have already done, on a journey of discovery of something most people don't even give a second thought to. One of the most "spiritual" ,for want of a better word,experiences I ever had was a year or so ago on a cruise in the carribean.I looked up to see an absolutely breathtaking array of stars, ended up lying on a sun,or should that have been MOON lounger ;), for hours watching the heavens in all their glory, absolutely humbling experience.

As a result I would like to get up close, well as close as is possible,& personal with those wonders. I don't think South Lanarkshire in Scotland will compare to the skies of the Caribbean for choice, but I'll certiainly give it a whirl.

Clear skies.


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Hi Pete,

Where abouts in Scotland are you? I introduced myself on the Scottish section of the forum, can't recall seeing your name there, & have already found a guy who stays about 6 miles away in Wishaw.I am just outside Carluke. May be an idea for you to drop by that section & introduce yourself.

As the poor souls in the beginners advice section, who have been excellent, will testify I don't have a clue as to what kit to buy, I get a setup & miss something out or it's too heavy for the mount, but the guys have been great in keeping, or at least trying to keep me right, & I'll get there. Have asked a few questions & am very near to taking the plunge.

It would be good to compare notes, or in my case disasters, & see how we are progressing so I will indeed keep in touch.

Clear skies.


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Hi Brian and welcome to SGL.

I reckon you have pretty good skies in South Lanarkshire when the clouds go. I can think of a few people in Central London who'd love them.

Hope the clouds clear soon.


Thanks Luke,

I am fortunate to stay about two miles out of a small town, so light pollution is minimal,I can't see my hand in front of my face at times & I have access to a large field at the rear of the house which, excepting the cow pats, is ideal for observing. As I said I am currently going through the trauma of selecting a scope & the guys on here have been excellent with their advice & patience,my only regret is that I didn't take the plunge into this earlier, but intend to make up for lost time.:(

Thanks again for the welcome, will doubtless see you on the forum,

Clear skies.


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Hi Brian

I am up the road in Chapelhall, not far at all. It is good to hear someone else has no idea! I think I have just made a big mistake (crying a little) in selling my Bresser R152S on an EQ3..... but it was too big and it has prompted me to get a good scope (I can use!) and get back into it.

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I can see you from here :D with my binos. Once I get the scope I'll be able to watch your telly :p.

You think you have made a mistake :( I think I have made a howler even thinking I could get involved in this malarky.

I'll keep in touch even more so now I know I have another local expert ;).

Clear skies


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Hi Brian and welcome to the forum. You are doing the right thing by taking your time and keeping that wallet in your pocket for now. We all have expectations of what we want to see, its just working out the best way to get there. Its great to have a healthy budget to play with, though it can occasionally get you into trouble when you buy the wrong kit. Keep those questions coming because we won't let you rest until your sorted!

Clear skies soon,


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Hi and welcome research is the key weigh up the odds and make the choice,decide for your self ,the night skies the weather will become obsessive ,lol if you thought about the weather before this it will become a past time ,the calming effect of distant planets ,stars galaxys will blow you mind some nights

Cheers pat

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