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whats this tal worth ?


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I bought one once for £40 but they seem to go for more than that recently on ebay. You can look up previous sales on ebay by clicking on the advanced tab and looking at completed listings..

It looks to be clean but of course it depends on thee mirrors which from experience are hard to check without a star test!


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Do check though as there were many flavours of the TAL with the seller and even if it is a 6 inch as I stated it is hard without a star test to be sure everything is in order...


i know what your saying but i just love the tal's look and the robustness of it ,would be happy just to have it wether it worked or not:eek: if it go's cheap may bid for it [but it's a 500 mile round trip [about 100 in diesel so maybe not lol]

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i know what your saying but i just love the tal's look and the robustness of it ,would be happy just to have it wether it worked or not:eek: if it go's cheap may bid for it [but it's a 500 mile round trip [about 100 in diesel so maybe not lol]

thats a long journey, might be an idea to wait for one to crop up a bit nearer;)

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What's a Tal 2M worth?

I bought mine new many moons ago for about £425, if I remember correctly. Best decision I've ever made. Mine when properly adjusted & given a tune up can take up to 20kg of compact scope & accessories, for visual. I have a 200K sitting on mine.

I've noticed that second hand Tal prices on ebay have been on the rise, on average, over the last couple of years. Many Tal 1's go for up to £80. A Tal 2M is a vastly superior package & is easily worth twice that at least, if in good condition and comes complete. All my own honest opinion of course.

Here are some ebay listings over the last wee while.

The last(4th in the list) link is still running.

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

This 2M mount is being sold on ebay with a Tal Klevtsov....

eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

At the current price, that's a steal.



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I only see the long coffin in the OP's ebay Tal 2M link. As you may see in the other ones I posted a link to, there should be a 'smaller' one that holds the mount & transformer amongst other things. Just a heads up for those who are keeping an eye on it. May be worth a pm to the seller asking.



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Hey Andy McK, When you use the Tal mount as an umbrella stand, do you run the drive to keep the Sun in shade? He He..Len

That was the plan but my back is facing? North so my Polar alignment was well out (:()

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well it is worth a lot more than it was yesterday, i was hoping to sneak this for very little money but not now

My thoughts entirely. There does seem a dearth of good second-hand equipment on ebay at the moment. But this has been to my advantage as the items I have listed are way above what I expected to get already, with today still to go.


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