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what to watch.... ideas


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hello guys, i thought id create a set of objects that are viewable each month for a various set of devices (bin eye scope bigscope ect)

i just would like to know what kind of objects would you like most of, nebular, double stars, globular/ open clusters

i think it would complement the luna 100 pretty well :D

just like some feedback before i write them up :)

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i found a cracking app on the ios app store calles astro planner, it gives the alt az, dec alt coordants of every object in every catalouge (M,NGC,Caldwel,IC,sharpless,index,lynds bright,lynds dark, barnard dark, arp galaxys, abel galaxy clusters, vbd, uppsala GC. so i might use some of that to help :D

what about one specific to a time, as in from 10pm to say 3am? so all the major easest objects that can be seen around then? or is that too much atm?

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i found a cracking app on the ios app store calles astro planner, it gives the alt az, dec alt coordants of every object in every catalouge (M,NGC,Caldwel,IC,sharpless,index,lynds bright,lynds dark, barnard dark, arp galaxys, abel galaxy clusters, vbd, uppsala GC. so i might use some of that to help :D

what about one specific to a time, as in from 10pm to say 3am? so all the major easest objects that can be seen around then? or is that too much atm?

I would do this ^

but as steve says, the top 10 only to start otherwise we will have mahoosive lists which put people off.

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lol:P dont worry i wasnt going to use everything just all the most comon objects that can be seen, i think 10 off the M list, 5 off caldwel, 5 off NGC, one or 2 IC (theres a nice one but its number excapes me atm) and a few interesting odditys (comet, kembles cascade, planets)

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We had a good bin session at trecastle so how about a top ten list of the brightest/best bin objects every month?

Also with the summer months approaching how about a top ten list of scope objects within the summer triangle? Coathanger, albireo, ring, dumbbell, veil, etc?

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thats one of the things that gave me the idea dave

i also suggested it to admin in the "suggestions" thread and ant said its a really good idea too :)

if i can make it print out and with tick boxs........ a bit like steve's section on S@N it might make our meets a little interesting, but obviously i wouldnt be imposing them on any one, i'll make sure their available if any one wants a shot :)

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i think its going to be the obvious ones at present steve :( some thing in the bins, small scope and large scope i'll try for high objects too as alot of our areas are covered by mountains

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ok heres my first draft, give us some feedback :hello2: as i just did it there might also be some spelling mistakes in it too

List of astronomical objects MAY


M44 beehive cluster, in the south find mars and create an imaginary line to the twins in gemini (caster and pollux) move back towards mars and the beehive is about 1/4-2/4 away from the twins

Double cluster NGC 884 and NGC 869

M103 (in cassiopeia follow a diagonal line from the double cluster to the second star (delta)

melotte 111 in Coma Berenices very easly seen as its a massive object in the shape of a V

small scopes (60mm - 6")



M53 (comet like) but better in larger scopes

NGC 4565 ( coma berenices) forms the top left of a equilateral triangle with mel 111 and gamma coma

large scopes (8" - above)

virgo super cluster in virgo

m57 in lyra

m64 in Coma Berenices


NGC 7000 north american nebula in cygns

planets this month

Mars at the start of the month placed already at the south moving along with the moon (from 10 pm onwards)

saturn already risen from the east as the month goes on it will get slightly higher in the sky (on the 15th at midnight it will be in virgo)

venus (only at start of month and it sets before astronomical darkness (around 11pm) but its phase is very slim and still bright


Garrad very near bodes galaxy (m81) in a straight line between that and polaris

Meteor showers this month

Eta aquaria meteor shower, sat 5th - sunday 7th and rest of month

one of the impressive ones created by hallys comet (we pass through 2 showers every year caused by this comet) and it is usually one of the impressive ones, but unfortunately due to a bright moon and the angle of the earth only the bright ones will be seen. it has a unusual peak though so can be seen at times through the month

The moon and mega moon

this goes into full moon mode over the beginning of the month eventually becoming a new moon around the 21st of may

interestingly on the early weekend (5th) the moon will rise around half 8 and will be at its closest to us since 1912. it will pass the highest point (meridian) around 1am (6th)

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I think many of us feel the need for such lists..This was my effort for my personal use...


What is needed are some finder charts for each object..from the finder level to the object level. There are some out there for the Messier and Caldwell objects but to pull them all together would be good..

Then put a pdf together so they can be printed off for star parties and the like would be good with a factoid few paras on each item...

I think a set for each month or perhaps a RA range would work best..

You may even be able to put them in a e-book and sell it to astronomy societies etc????


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thanks steve the plan is sort of to update it every month, i set the above at the 15th so it will be sort of right throughout, but if theres any objects that iv missed that seem good every ones more than happy to include it :hello2:

thanks mark thats sort of the idea iv never done it before so im new to it but i will be sort of including it into a pdf with views of finder and telrad gonna be interesting i think and it will help every one as well as me on what sort of is the best to view atm

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  • 2 weeks later...
iv got the next few days off work guys so im gonna give it a go at compiling a list of say 20 objects i feel are

Got sent this (South Wales Group) way by Mat, for "astronomer recognition" and "see the new scope" purposes, and stumbled across this thread.

Gaz, I think you already know most of this, but I already produce lists of binocular stuff to observe every month in the newsletter on my site and, in response to requests from my some of my students, I have a "ten easy star-hops for spring" list as well. There is also an object search page which you can filter on various criteria to do withe observer and object. This all links to finder charts and star-hop charts. Feel free to reproduce any of this for your group if you think it may be helpful in the context of this thread.

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Got sent this (South Wales Group) way by Mat, for "astronomer recognition" and "see the new scope" purposes, and stumbled across this thread.

Gaz, I think you already know most of this, but I already produce lists of binocular stuff to observe every month in the newsletter on my site and, in response to requests from my some of my students, I have a "ten easy star-hops for spring" list as well. There is also an object search page which you can filter on various criteria to do withe observer and object. This all links to finder charts and star-hop charts. Feel free to reproduce any of this for your group if you think it may be helpful in the context of this thread.

hehe thanks steve, i didnt want to "steal" your work but i was finding it difficult putting the finder charts as well if its ok i will :) i'll do a new one for june over the next few days:)

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hehe thanks steve, i didnt want to "steal" your work but i was finding it difficult putting the finder charts as well if its ok i will :headbang: i'll do a new one for june over the next few days:)

No problem, Gaze. I do that stuff in the hope it will be useful; it would be more than a little stupid to try to restrict its use! (But I wouldn't object to an acknowledgement if you publish any of it :))

Sent from my batphone, so probably riddled with weird predicted text.

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