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Three weeks and one day....


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I think I prefered the drought eh....? More rain in last 4 days than in last 4 months put together! 1.02" here today! Garden a swamp and worse to come tommorrow. Oh well, garden and golf course lovin it!

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From what I understand of it, the problem is the ground is too dried out to absorb the water when it falls (which would replenish the water table and in turn the reservoirs.)

It just runs straight off and ends up nowhere useable!

They estimate about 2 months worth of rain is needed to finally work it's way through the build up :D

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Not to rub it in, but I'm sat in an office in Beirut with clear skies and 24 c outside. Sat in a bar last night (no scope with me) and watched a beautiful crescent moon in proximity to Venus with Orion's belt clearly defined for me. Loads of light pollution but beggars can't be choosers.

Back home tomorrow, so I'm guessing clouds and rain then huh?

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I am saying my middle name is Noah, but I am just checking my scopes to see which ones float best for me to help me paddle away from those pesky clouds!:D:)

Hold in there tight.....now has everyone got a life jacket?


P.S Of course for snorkels and life rafts there will be an extra charge.

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Well my CPC1100 finally arrived last week and still haven't been able to use it!!!! I check outside every evening, the mrs says "still cloudy?" I grunt "yeh!" the moap around for the rest of the evening.

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i think we need to get are priorites right!

Dont let them confuse you and say we are running out of water, i dont believe them. There is shelf loads of water in bottles down my local coop.

So lets clearup these skys and get the scopes out.


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Some apalling weather on route for us here on the southcoast, they reckon 2" rain later tonight into tomoz. However there's a crackin gap in the cloud right now and it should stay clear well after dark, YAYYYYYYYYYY! Scope cooling :)

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I managed to mow my lawns for the first time in weeks. Can you believe it, its been dry for an whole eight hours in Nottingham !!!

I want to get my goddamn scope and stuff out. I spent three grand on it all and clouds, clouds, blasted clouds !!!

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Well not too bad, early and 'dusky' views of Venus and the moon nice, turned to Saturn and got some reasonable views, drifiting a bit but hey, its saturn! Was about to swing to Mars and in rolls the mist....leading edge of the incoming woeful weather!

30 mins decent viewing, I'll take that considering last 10 days!

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