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My first solar image 22/04/12


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Thanks everyone...

Bizibuilder: I cheated by looking on Spaceweather and roughly aligning it.. lol

Might try it with a 2x Barlow next clear day. Focussing was quite difficult as my liveview can't adjust the exposure so I have to use the optical viewfinder.

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Really nice Stu :D

Anyway, its not cheating :)

There are three things in life I have a problem with doing in my head, I have to reach for paper and pencil:

1. Working out what time it is when the clocks change or if you crossed the International Data Line.

2. Working out which way is up on an image through a telescope, i.e. is it mirrored and inverted, or just one, or none?

3. Working out North on the sun.

For point 3 I "cheat" and use this: Solar Map of Active Regions | Raben Systems, Inc. or www.SolarMonitor.org



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That was a single image, I can't find any software that will stack 14.3mp tiffs without hanging! I've just done some more with a 2x ED Barlow and some extension tubes and the detail is amazing.. just playing with processing to bring it out even more.

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