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Newbie Astro weather / seeing forecast

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I've had an idea for a highly accurate foolproof seeing / transparency forecast thread which could be constantly kept up to date by any forum member !

The scientific formula beeing ... ' the number of new equipment posts in this new thread divided by the position of this new thread = the chance of seeing being poor'

Basically if this thread is near the top, get the telly on !

if its near the bottom , get your scope out cooling :D

this should in theory be 100 % accurate


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After my last post the skies cleared so I decided to set the scope up as there were no clouds on the horizon, Venus looked stunning and Mars inviting...........................but I have just finished bidding a hasty retreat indoors as it's gone black as a bag again.

Oh well, back to finishing off my webcam mod!

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After my last post the skies cleared so I decided to set the scope up as there were no clouds on the horizon, Venus looked stunning and Mars inviting...........................but I have just finished bidding a hasty retreat indoors as it's gone black as a bag again.

Oh well, back to finishing off my webcam mod!

I think it is coming your way after visiting us Philip :D

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Tomorrow doesn't look to bad, but after that, showers all week again :D

That will be too late my friend :)

It seems to be the way down here doesn't it - anything interesting in the sky and it clouds up - do you remember the total eclipse? Beautiful day before and beautiful day after but wall to wall cloud on the actual day.

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Tried my 5mm Hyperion out last night, I swear that each time I used it, it clouded over, put my zoom back on and it cleared up ... put the new one on and it clouded over again .

Did get a pretty good look at Saturn though in the gaps :-)

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