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What imaging software with SPC900/NC?

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Well I managed to get myself a new SPC900/NC imported from the states. Cost enough when you add on the postage and customs tax but hey... who cares it'll be worth it!

It only arrived yesterday and the weather where I am has been pretty poor so not yet had chance to use it on anything astronomical.

I fitted a nose piece this morning and have attached it to my scope to capture some terrestrial footage to get some practice in.

Now all I need to know is....what software should I be using for image processing and where can I find it. Does anyone have a link for some decent free software I can download?


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For capture: wxAstroCapture, SharpCap, IC capture.AS, k3ccd

Web cam settings: wcctrl

For trimming junk frames/sections and extracting frames: VirtualDub

Stacking: registax 5.1 or 6,

Mosaics: imerge, Microsoft ICE

Can't say which are the best, I'm still working my way through these and it's taking ages because the weather's been rubbish.



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