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SW Mount Payloads

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I have read previous threads on this subject but somehow I miss a point. I am likely to add another scope frac or flec down the line.

I believe HEQ5 payload is 18kg depending on who one believes - I assume that mount counterweights are not included here. (SW are really very poor in including mount payloads.)

Now, if I load the HEQ5 by 1/2 to 2/3, max payload is 9-12kg. Adding weights of OTA, camera, guider OTA/camera etc I can achieve a payload within this weight range.

Note, I am considering a 115/120 ED frac, AA RC 8" f8 flec OTAs. Not long newts etc. Garden area very well protected weatherwise.

I could think of an EQ6 (EQ8?) upgrade but no obs and no space for one. The EQ6/8 weight I fear would put me off in addition to cost.

I would really appreciate input on this oft repeated thread.

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