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Large Crater on Lunar Surface

Dan Watts

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Hey everyone,

I wondered if somebody could shed some light on some pictures I took a couple of weeks back through the eyepiece with my Iphone held up to it (Tricky at this mag, especially with the FOV).


I noticed when looking at the moon through a low power EP that a small chunk of the moon (about 11 'o' clock if you look at the moon picture) was missing.

I changed over to my Baader Zoom with the x2.25 Barlow attachment and got right onto the moon to have a closer look and low and behold a massive crater was apparent with something that looks like it's sitting in the middle of it.

I'll be honest, i'm no professional at this but after viewing the moon and many of it's transits, I have never seen this before - It's almost like it's a supermassive crater - With the fact I could make out there was chunk missing from the moon from a low power, I can't begin to imagine how big this thing is!

Any shedding of light on this would be greatly appreciated :rolleyes:

Dan :)






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The crater at the 11 o'clock position in the first pic is Tycho. Havent read the sw120 thread but assume thats what is alluded to in that as well. Tycho is quite young, estimated at just over 100 million years old. Its 86 km wide and just under 5 km deep.

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The crater at the 11 o'clock position in the first pic is Tycho. Havent read the sw120 thread but assume thats what is alluded to in that as well. Tycho is quite young, estimated at just over 100 million years old. Its 86 km wide and just under 5 km deep.

Just been on Wikipedia and this def looks like one...I can disperse my theory of the Government mining on the moon then :) haha.

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The 2nd image actually looks like another world in a way. Very nice images though!

Hehe...I thought that as well when I was taking the photos! Like something out of a sci-fi film :(

I was actually impressed at the quality of it, I took them with my measly Iphone 3GS - Only has a couple of MP on the camera, no HD. I find it focuses better than my Lumix for some reason.

Thanks for the comment in any case :)

Dan. :)

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