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really, really REALLY fed up!


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well what a few weeks ive had...

my finder scope died on me which wasnt a bid deal except as i contacted flo the weather man gave us a week or so of stunning clear night skies... and flo didnt have a finder in stock :confused:

then my new finder arrives the day after the clouds & rain :(

i waited and waited for half decent weather then eventually got the finder sorted on a rather cloudy day but got it sorted...

next clear night we had was last thursday, i had a council meeting and walking home around 9ish the skies where perfect.. but i couldnt get out with my scope as i had paperwork to sort which had to go out the following morning so i stayed up half the night doing it (gota love election time!) :)

this evening looked promising so my scopes been cooling for a few hours in the workshop, i stick my head out the window around 9 to check how dark it is and find some idiots got a fire going and smoked the street out :eek:

i thought id set up ready anyway as the smokes bound to clear soon... only to find my neighbours got their flood light on, pointing right at my decking... if it where the other side id ask them but my and this neighbour are not on speaking terms... long story but the police have been invovled, their kid has had an asbo referal because ive reported him so theres NO way they would knock it off for me :D

so i think i might just give up and play solitare on the ipad :)

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well iwaited a half hour and the light was still on, so i went to put my scope back in the case to bring it in and bang! the light went out...

so back out with the scope.. got it 3 alligned straight away (thats a first) and as it swung round for what i hoped was my first ever saturn the power went out.. so fiddled with the lead id made up and aligned it again.. then as iswung around for saturn the power went again..

so i checked my google sky to see where saturn was, thought ****** workshops in the way so dragged the tripod over, didnt bother leveling it as time was getting on and saturn was right there...

got the red dot over what i thought was saturn, looked through the eyepiece and f*'# me saturns rings where there and suprisingly almost in focus... thats one more dream accomplished... i almost cried! :)

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well iwaited a half hour and the light was still on, so i went to put my scope back in the case to bring it in and bang! the light went out...

so back out with the scope.. got it 3 alligned straight away (thats a first) and as it swung round for what i hoped was my first ever saturn the power went out.. so fiddled with the lead id made up and aligned it again.. then as iswung around for saturn the power went again..

so i checked my google sky to see where saturn was, thought ****** workshops in the way so dragged the tripod over, didnt bother leveling it as time was getting on and saturn was right there...

got the red dot over what i thought was saturn, looked through the eyepiece and f*'# me saturns rings where there and suprisingly almost in focus... thats one more dream accomplished... i almost cried! :)

Without wanting to upset you, i would cool it with the inferred swear words in your posts, the mods might take a dim view of it

regards all the above problems, i know where your coming from, it seems at times every thing is against the amateur astronomer here in the uk, a while back i felt like calling a halt to it, but when it all goes right it becomes worthwhile:)

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Someone needs a chill pill. The stars were here before you, and will be here after you. View what you can, when you can, and feel honoured. :confused:

oh im chilled, it was meant as a bit of tounge in cheek fun :)

most hobbies ive had thgrough my life have involved the outdoors so im used to the bad weather effecting things.. only one that hasnt was mountian biking, i loved the rain as it made more mud... and i love mud :(

good point nightfisher, im still a newbie here and am stil learning my way round :)

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