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need help buying large apo

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Hell of a risk. TEC stick to F7 even at 140mm and Tak don't try to get to F6.67 with their equivalent scope. (The TOA150 is F7.3.) So what do the Chinese know that these guys don't and how do they do at less than half the Tak price what Tak don't think they can do?

I paid less than £4k for an as-new TEC140 and there was another one on UKABS for quite a while at a similar price.

Personally I wouldn't do it. The price is too close, far too close, the the proven premium apo telescopes. I stress 'personally.'


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hello again guys i was talking to some guys over at cloudy nights

and they said this 150mm triplet is the same company that makes

William optics scopes and the Astrotech Apos they said its just a

large version of the Astrotech 130mm triplet apo i think ill take

the plunge and go for it.

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if i can get another 1300 euro i will get the TEC-140 but i dont

think i can get more money with 4600 you acn bairly get a 130mm apo

never mind a 6 inch apo i wont get it again and i always wanted a

6 inch apo and theirs no way im paying 4800 euro for a tak-120.

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The moon picture doesn't contain any informamation, really, but I hope the purchase goes well. I absolutely love the view through large apos. Newts go deeper, obviously, but there's a delicacy about the image that's hard to beat.


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I think that while at this price class, it's not worth the risk. It's already a big plunge, and it's not like you're going to use the scope for 6 months - it'll likely be a lifetime investment. As long as you're taking the plunge, I'd scrounge up a bit more patience and money, and go for the TEC 140 when finances allow. With that scope, you know that you'll get something that is optically and mechanically superb. Last but not least, every time you see it or even remember you own it should bring a smile to your face. It's your choice, but in these price classes I wouldn't settle for anything but the very best. TEC 140 is it, and I've heard rather mixed reviews on TS scopes. It may be good, but I'd be willing to bet that it's just not in the same quality class as the TEC. One other thing that the TEC 140 has going for it, it's quite a bit lighter - meaning that you might actually break even by not needing as big of a monster mount as for the 12.3 kg TS scope.

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I don't think the image shows much to be honest and it was not taken with the scope that you will own anyway. Thats what you get with the extra investment - the assurance that the scope you buy has been built and tested to high standards. Your choice though - will the dealers test the scope for you and give you access to the test results prior to finalising the deal perhaps ?

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Have you considered a Takahashi scope?

The OP is looking at a, say, 4 to 5000$ price bracket. Takahashi's scope of equivalent aperture would cost over 11,000 $, and that's OTA only. Coupled with a photo-capable mount for this scope we're looking at around 30k $ easily. I agree that Takahashi is awesome, but your question is a bit like saying "are you really sure you want that Honda Civic, have you considered a Lamborghini instead"?

To get a Takahashi within the original budget he'd pretty much have to get a much smaller aperture.

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Go for the TEC140. Lighter, better made and simply stunning at everything you ask it do whether visual or photographic. I've had mine four years and cannot ever see me parting with it and that is saying something for me. Let's just say that my search for perfection led me to owning quite a few scopes before this one! You will not regret buying the TEC. Before anyone asks - no, I'm not on commission from TEC.

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