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Bob's Knobs Probs

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I just installed some Bob's Knobs on my Celestron C8. The scope is from around 2000 I believe, maybe a bit earlier, with Starbright rather than XLT coatings. There was an orange cover over the original collimation screws (allen type).

The new knobs seem okay but they are very slightly hitting off the scopes big, main dust cover. I can get the cover on at one side so it stays in place, and, if I push it a bit can get it on both sides.

My question is: if I'm having to push against the knobs have I installed them wrong (dont see how I could have)? Should I try the knobs without the plastic washers/spacers that were supplied with them?

If I'm pressing against them when putting on the dust cover wont that move them so the nice collimation I set up gets knocked out again, each time I put on the dust cover? Is it even possible I could push them so far they'd burst right through and damage the secondary? :shock:


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