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I'm Sorry Guys it looks like rain, Stowe Complete.


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Well for near on a year I've been planning and building a twice failed box to house my scope. As with all best laid plans (mine anyhow) they never seem to quite go as expected. i started off with a project that enabled me to house the scope on a Linak lifting column and raise it out the roof as required, about 2 months ago i thought i was all set, but after installing the scope to my newly built 'Stowe' I found an issue with the dimensions of the roof opening, no more detail required it can be summed up in a single word 'frustrating'.

So without further dwelling on the matter i set about adapting my pent roofed shed into an apex 'ROR' shed, this was not as easy or as cheep as i had expected but completed without issue in about 2 weekends. I now have a completed but not quite ready to go Stowe for my LX200 12" that has remained unused since purchase at least 6 months ago.

I owe a lot of thanks to Graham (Steelfixer) who made the adapter and mounting plates for my Pier base and scope, he also transformed my Meade Wedge from a horrible sloppy piece of poor engineering into a steadfast slop free aptly named 'Super Wedge' it was great to have his help and if reading this cant thank you enough for coming to my home off your own back and letting me watch you install it for me :) without your help, equipment and knowledge i would have still been scratching my head, Thankyou. I hope you have many nights sitting back relaxing with those Cigars and clear skies my friend.

Anyhow some pictures so you can all see why it's been raining so much. cable clutter included, remote PC and breaker in the corner and a Linak DL2 to lift the LX above the shed line. Bar the weather I've been set for about a week to get running. :)








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