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Is it me or ...... ?

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Is it me, or does everyone seem to notice that after a really good sunny day with wall to wall blue sky, it invariably turns cloudy just before sunset and then stays like that all night. It was like that down here on Good Friday, but I seem to have noticed it on many occasions. Is there a meteorologist amongst us that cam throw a light on the subject - or am I just suffering from astronomers persecution?

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Yes I guess the weather there is similar to what we have down here in Cornwall, usually rain, rain and more rain!!

try living in the lake district-home to the highest mountain in england, deepest lake in england, and the wettest place in england :)

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Meteorologist, checking in :) Sir!

Nope, it's just you. :)

Seriously, if you are near the coast you can see an effect at sunset where now the daytime heating has stopped, low cloud is allowed to roll in from the sea but no longer burn off like it did in the daytime. Only usually happens on fairly light wind days though but cloud can ingress many tens of miles inland.

Parts of the Suffolk coast suffer from it a lot in light Easterly winds and when conditions are right, you could almost set your clock by it. When I was at RAF Wattisham, back in the Cold War days, we used to plan night flying around it.

There are a couple of other situations, e.g. Establishment of inversions and effects of the nocturnal jet etc. but you'll find these are much more local.



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