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cleaning help

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ok in one of my eye peaces there was a tiny eye lash on the inside so i got the cloth that was given with my telescope i have spent ten minuites cleaning it i got the eye lash out but i can seem to get rid of the tiny fibers left by a cloth and i can see them through the eye pice how do i clean this so its free of every thing

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My ex was a colourist/restorer of antique maps, and when she dumped me she left behind a lot of extremely fine sable-haired watercolour brushes. I kept a selection of these, and now the smaller ones are particularly useful for lifting tiny bits of debris from eps, filters etc.

When I modded my webcam, I found the image was being spoiled by what looked like water blotches. I cleaned my UV/IR filter thoroughly, but that made no difference. I tried using the sable brushes (ever so carefully!) on the actual CMOS chip, but the marks still remained.

Well, I thought, the webcam only cost thirty quid, so let's try something drastic.

I used a dry Specsavers microfibre cleaning cloth - the sort you get free when you buy a pair of specs from them. And I gave the CMOS chip a severe wipe with it!

(OK, not all that severe! But I was less than gentle!)

It worked. No probs with the webcam image now!

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Treat yourself to the Baader Wonder fluid cleaning kit ( this is reputed not to harm any lens coatings ) together with the micro fiber cloth, also a large bulb air blower and soft camel hair brush, is all you should need for all your future cleaning jobs :)

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