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Thinking of selling all my kit!


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I'm thinking about selling all my kit and buying an Antares Sentinel 80mm f6 semi-apo!. Just don't get time for all nights anymore with work & family stuff!.. I don't want to pack the hobby in.



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Hi Rob,

Yeah that scope you have been lurking around looks the Buisness matey it's a quick n easy setup yet will offer you decent views. One thing comes to mind is why not keep your Skymax 127mak and mount it on a Astro 3 mount?.

Dont think you could pack up this hobby matey just get something that suits your needs hope you dont anyway :shock:.

James :clouds1:

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I'm thinking about selling all my kit and buying an Antares Sentinel 80mm f6 semi-apo!. Just don't get time for all nights anymore with work & family stuff!.. I don't want to pack the hobby in.



I hear you Rob,

I am trying to settle on two scopes: A large aperture Dob' for when observing with Greg under a dark sky and a small Mak' or refractor that is portable and can be ready at a moments notice. 

I'll let you know how things go with the 80mm semi-APO.

Steve :clouds1:

'The small scope that gets regular use is better than the light-bucket gathering dust in the shed'

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Thanks for your reply Andy... o you like the full apo version?. (That maybe a silly question I know) However @ £650, it is tempting to sell all I have and move to a quality scope, the other benefit is that it could travel with me down to Cornwall 3 times a year!!



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As you know, it was cloudy on both nights of the Star Party so we were unable to properly test the Revelation 80.  However, back home and under Greg's dark sky, I did manage to set it up and have a quick look. 

First impressions are very good:

Mechanically it is superb with a focuser far too good for its price.  I was also able to compare the 2" diagonal (included with the scope when bought from Telescope House) with Toms Williams Optics diagonal - they appear to be one and the same. 

Optically, star clusters were pinpoint sharp against an inky black sky.  As for CA, it is noticeably better than an equivalent Skywatcher Achromat.  Viewing Mars with a Meade 8.8mm UWA, there was some magenta fringing but nothing objectionable - at least not to my eyes. 

Like I said, it was only a quick test but I will work it harder thru December and post a proper review. 

Hope that helps,


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Thats a real help Steve, cheers!.

2 questions!

1, Does the 2" Star Diagonal offer a 1.25 adapter as I have no 2" EP's right now?.

2, I'm trying to justify the purchase against a Orion 80 ED from SCS Astro @ £339!.... any thoughts?.

Thanks Mate.


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1, Does the 2" Star Diagonal offer a 1.25 adapter as I have no 2" EP's right now?.

2, I'm trying to justify the purchase against a Orion 80 ED from SCS Astro @ £339!.... any thoughts?.

1, Yes

2, I'll open one, take a look, then get back to you :clouds2:


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2, I'll open one, take a look, then get back to you :clouds2:

Weellll... The ED80 is easily larger and heavier than the Revelation 80.  Essentially, it is a well-made Skywatcher with a Crayford focuser and ED optics.  The Revelation is the sexier with a quality and finish that could easily carry a higher price-tag. 

Optically, the ED80 wins with less false colour. 

If I were into imaging I'd be leaning towards the ED80 but as I'm not, and I am looking for a Grab & Go ... I favour the Revelation. 

Just my opinion :clouds2:


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Only had the 8.8mm to hand Rob so the image wasn't big enough to see (I was testing for fringing). 

I hope to get together with Greg soon (under his dark sky) and together, we'll put it thru its paces. 

(Also, Greg is now several steps ahead of me when it comes to finding an object using the mounts setting circles ... which simply won't do :nono: :clouds2:)


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Just grabbed 10 mins with the moon before the clouds converged:

Fantastic!  I am beginning to see why people go gooey eyed over refractors.  The image has a purity and contrast that I don't see thru my Dob or Mak.  The tonal shading in the 'splatter' (theres probably a more scientific word) around Copernicus and in the sea to its upper right (?) was very impressive. 

Very little fringing :clouds2:

(Tried to grab Mars thru a 4mm Ortho but it was near impossible on a camera tripod!) 

Still early days - can't wait to use it under Greg's dark-sky 8)


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