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IR/UV cut filter, when to use?

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Hi All,

Wasn't 100% sure where to put his one....

Only filter I own, or ever owned, is an IR/UV cut filter. It was bought specifically for experimenting with a webcam a while ago after removing the lens also removed the IR cut filter.

Now I'm getting into imaging again, I would like to know when to and when not to use the filter. Is there a rule?

Imaging with an unmodded DSLR, which has an IR cut filter built, I don't use it, but would any situation benefit with it fitted?

More importantly, I have a mono DMK on its way without an IR cut filter. This is when I think it'll become important, but when?

I image everything, planets, solar, DSO etc. through an achromat, apochromat, Mak and PST. Solar especially white light confuses me. With solar film? With Herschel wedge?



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With refractors, any object, use the UV-IR cut ( or rely on the one in the DSLR)

This minimises the effects of UV "bloat" and any excess IR leakage....

I only dump the UV-IR filter for spectroscopy; where I need access to these wavelengths.

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