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Baader Hyperion, along with the 4" Refractor., need some advice.

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Hallo friends and starry eyes,

The 4" refractor isn't any high budget one. Omni XLT 102 refractor by Celestron, thats what I can afford. But for the eyepieces I am thinking to go for some better ones. Baader Hyperion. Anyone who knows about them, or used them or studied them, please advice me how will it work.

I am interested in viewing and photography of the Clusters, Planets, Deep Sky, Nebulas, planet surfaces. I read that the all rounder scope for photographing and viewing starts from 4", only that I can afford.

Will the Hyperions give me best out of the money? And which focallength power should I buy?

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Hallo friends,

Thank you for welcoming. :D.

I am from India, and only cheap astronomical accessories are found here, plus, at very few places. Only thing I can do is through a friend who will buy and carry it for me from the US, no friends in any other countries. So I chose best from my budget and, whatever is available over there.

Does the Hyperion comes along with some attachment rings, for multiple utility and photography? Tony?

Will it work with any digital camera? I mean non SLR like Sony H9? http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sonyh9/

What extra will I have to get to do the Eyepiece projection photography?

good wishes, see you.

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Welcome to the forum!

The Hyperions have a non-standard thread under the rubber eyecup. To use it for afocal photography you will need a specific adapter for your camera. Telescope Service in Germany sell the adapters, although from reading message you may have problems sourcing from anywhere other than the US. But the chances are good that the US dealer can also source the adapter for your camera.

The Hyperions are superb eyepieces, I've owned the 8mm and 21mm, found them both excellent. I used them in an Orion ED100, which is a 100mm (4") f9 refractor. Similiar to your Omni 102. They gave a wide view with pinpoint stars to the edge.

Some may grumble about light loss due to the number of glass elements but I compared the 8mm Hyperion to a 7.5mm Plossl and 9mm TMB and the difference was marginal at best. I then replaced the Hyperion with an Ortho but honestly I would take the Hyperion anyday over an Ortho. The difference in quality of image was marginal, difference in comfort was huge!

Hope that helps


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Hallo friends, starry eyes,

Thanks Tony and Russ, for talking about the Hyperion and let me know 8mm and 21mm are proved best buy. The multi purpose clamp fitting is nice Tony, but I think it still needs some ring and adapter inside, I will ask up more for the camera adapters.

The Sony H9 camera that I showed in previous post has non-standard 74mm diameter threading for filters and attachments. So I will have to think or confirm if there is any adapter available of that size. But (I own Canon film SLR) :oops: I do not even have a digital camera; yet to buy that too :oops: the talking about H9, was just the vague decision of choice of camera model(because in their latest models, they have improved sensitivity and performance towards dark light conditions).

Sorry, I know it makes people angry about the questions asked by newbie, especially those who haven't got any equipments yet. Thank you for not being angry though.

see you again, good wishes, sincerely Ketan.

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Sorry, I know it makes people angry about the questions asked by newbie, especially those who haven't got any equipments yet. Thank you for not being angry though.

see you again, good wishes, sincerely Ketan.

No-one gets cross here Ketan.

We were all newbies at some point in the past.

Keep asking the questions and someone will keep answering.


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Yes ok thank you Administrator Ant :D.

Ooooh ...."Administrator Ant :angel7:"

Ketans, welcome to the SGL, I see you you are quickly learning the art of "buttering-up" the Admin. Ant will love the sound of that.... "Administrator Ant " fancy......

Ketans you'll find lots of useful stuff here and loads of help! Welcome aboard.


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Thank you for welcoming :sunny:Karlo :sunny: beam,

Yes I will be asking for more information when I have the equipments. I wish I be able to get them this time. soon.

But when I do(from abroad), I will have to be sure, not to miss to buy any single ring or something.

good wishes for all, see you soon, sincerely Ketan.

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