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Lidl Bins

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Lidl Ireland are now selling the "Bresser" 10X50 bins once again. They have been rebranded as Rocktrail bins. The cost is 20 euros. Great bins if you get a well collimated set.

They are also selling a Bresser night vision scope for 140 euros. I'd love to try night vision (for wildlife) but dont think it would be worth the gamble.

Just a heads up incase Lidl UK are also selling the 10X50 bins.

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Lidl Ireland:

April 5th

Rocktrail 10-30 x 60mm bins 19.99

So they are not 10X50?????.

My mistake.


Bresser night vision scope (5x mag) 129.99

I might take a punt on this to observe wildlife at night in my garden.

Edited by LukeSkywatcher
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Cheap zoom binoculars? I personally would give those a miss. The field of view will be narrow, transmission will be lower, and quality not much to write home about. The cheap 10x50 can be good, provided you get a well-collimated pair. I have had a look at the cheap Bresser 10x50 at the Lidl, but they are definitely not the same as my 1995 vintage Bresser 10x50 (7 deg true FOV). Mine are in a different league (also price-wise at the time: HFL 399, or about 180 euro).

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Branded "Auriol" in my local Lidl, but appear to be bog-standard United Optics/Kunming BF4 10x50; £16.99. Curious that it is said to have "Exceptional viewing quality with 50mm BaK-4 lenses" -- I'm sure I would take great exception to the viewing quality if there was BaK4 glass, even Chinese BaK4 glass, in the lenses. :icon_salut:

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I just picked up a pair of this years 'Auroil' bins in my local Lidl. They are very well packaged with tape at either end of the box and I get the impression they wouldnt really want you taking them all out of the box in store to find the best pair.

Anywho, I just opened mine up when I got home and set up the focus.

- The flex feels firm and the focus wheel resistance feels about right.

- The exit pupils are perfectly round and uniform in brightness.

When I find a straight line, focus on it then pull them away from my face the straight line (a distant roof) stays straight.

However my eyes feel a bit tired and stressed after only a short time so I dont know if they are perfect.

Hopefully the clouds will clear so I can check out a bright star and check the difraction spikes.

Anyone know of any other tests I can do to check?

They weem like very good value for money though with a carry case, microfibre cloth, neck strap, 5 yr warranty and all 4 lens caps. How can you possibly go wrong for £17.

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my eyes feel a bit tired and stressed after only a short time so I dont know if they are perfect.

How can you possibly go wrong for £17.

Haven't you just answered your own question? :)

Sent from my GT-I9100

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Is there an easy way to tell a good set from a bad set whilst in the shop?

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Well you can open it in the car park, use the steps detailed above from Stephen website, then you can immediately come in again!

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Well, I've tested the pair I bought following the advice on that link and they seem to pass the tests with flying colours. I'm really happy with my pair of Lidl bins and they're a great pair of budget terrestrial bins if nothing else. I took them to my parents' place today and enjoyed some views across the fens with them, testing them on landmarks at short (~500yd), medium (1 mile) and long (15 miles, approx) ranges. As soon as I have the opportunity, I will see how they fare for stargazing.

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Well, I took these outside with me tonight and they got used both while my dob was cooling and after it was put away. The sky was still very blue at 2100h, but the brighter stars were out to be seen clearly. First stop was Orion, where his belt nicely filled the field of view. Tracking down from the belt revealed his sword with M42 as a nice, bright blob with some of the brighter stars glowing visibly within it. This would no doubt be more impressive on a darker sky, but it would have dropped behind the houses by the time I could have tested that. Betelgeuse had a distinct red colour. Swinging to the right, Aldebaran revealed what might have been a suggestion of an orange tint and many of the fainter stars just below were also visible. Swinging across to the Pleiades showed the distinct saucepan shape, again filling the FOV nicely. No nebulosity was visible - I don't know if this would be expected in binos or not, but the sky was still quite blue. I stopped by Venus but beyond an extremely bright blob I wasn't able to discern the phase, though my wobbly hands weren't helping matters. Venus did highlight that these bins can suffer a bit with internal reflections, however - something I rediscovered later when I looked at Mars and even at Arcturus. Fortunately the internal reflecting is minimal enough to be irritating rather than ruinous to the experience. Getting darker now, I hopped by Mizar and Alcor which were split clearly, although by hand I wasn't able to split these into their further doubles. Swinging back north and looking low on the horizon, I was pleasantly surprised to find M31 glowing faintly in the twilight and light pollution, Not a lot was visible beyond the nucleus and a smear of glow, but with as darker sky and a greater elevation I'm sure Andromeda would look stunning. Returning later once my dob was packed up, I made a point of scouring Auriga to see if I could find the “Cheshire cat”. I got there after a few minutes, much to my delight. Pleasingly, the open clusters M36 and M38 were both visible through the binoculars, both appearing as group of one or two stars surrounded by nebulosity. I'll be sure to return to these when the Dob is back out!

On the whole, I'm very pleased with the Lidl “Auriol” 10x50 binoculars. The pair I got seem to be fine terrestrial binoculars and more than capable for astronomy too. They're well built and not too heavy to hold and have a comfortable eye relief for longer periods of use. The only real flaw I found with them was the occasional internal reflection when looking at a bright point-light source, so I will have to see how they fare with the moon in a few weeks (I'm not staying up for that!).

For £17 though, I'm really pleased with them and wouldn't hesitate to urge anyone who doesn't have any other binoculars and can get a well collimated pair to go for it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there guys

I'm from Portugal and I don't have no experience in binos, but I always wanted to buy one for my hobby, which is planespotting.

Therefore, I bought one pair of these binos in my local Lidl. I opened the box in the shop and tested it "softly". A couple of days after, I noticed a noise which comes from the front left glass, it seems that it has a bit of a gap, because when I touch with my finger on it, the glass moves less than a 1mm.

The question is, should I try to exchange these binos because of that? Or it's not a big deal that I should care about?

Apart from that, the binos seems good enough for me and for the use I'll give it. The image looks bright and sharp. It's a bargain I think!

Thanks in advance



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tetenterre, so you think that's bad enough to exchange it for other? Could I have any problem in the future caused by that front glass problem?

Should the neckstrap be included in the package? Because it didn't came.

By the way, when I focus on an object, the "outside area" looks a bit unfocused whilst the "inside/center area" is focused. Is it normal ?

Thanks again!

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tetenterre, so you think that's bad enough to exchange it for other? Could I have any problem in the future caused by that front glass problem?
Lens groups are designed to work at a specific spacing. If one of the lens elements moves, the lens cannot work properly at all positions of the moving element. Also, the mere fact that it moves at all is indicative either of very poor quality control or that somebody has "had a go" at the binocular.
Should the neckstrap be included in the package? Because it didn't came.
No idea. Is it listed on the box?
By the way, when I focus on an object, the "outside area" looks a bit unfocused whilst the "inside/center area" is focused. Is it normal ?
Yes, it is normal. It is due mostly to field curvature and the fact that aberrations like coma and astigmatism are more apparent at the edge. It tends to be more obtrusive in budget binoculars.
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tetenterre, Thanks very much for answering.

Tomorrow I'll try to have it exchanged by other pack.

About the neckstrap, it should have been in the package but that's not true - I'll also complaint about that.

Thanks again

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  • 11 months later...

I bought a pair of these binos when they were still Bresser branded in the mid 90s. Didn't get to use them for a while afterwards. I lost the receipt during a move. The 1st time i used them the twist-up eyecup fell of 1 side taking the screw with it, and they never quite worked the way they should have. I was so pleased when i got to replace them with these about 5 years ago http://www.7dayshop.com/7dayshop-10x50-sport-series-binoculars-ref-7day10x50

Since i got them i have tried 3 10x50s and 2 12x50s they have all been very consistent and provide way clearer views than the Bressers ever did. For an extra 3 or £4, they outperform them way more than the price would suggest. :)


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