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65 frame mosaic from the 30th March


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After a long run on M51 this week and knowing that cloud was due later in the evening I decided to have a go at the moon again.;)

The result was this 65 frame mosaic shot through my 10" f4.8 newt skywatcher 2x barlow and DMK21.

Each avi was 1000 frames @ 30fps batch processed in AVIstack, wavlets applied in R5 and put together with Imerge.

Below is a 24% resize to fit on SGL and HERE is the full size image.




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Hello Mike,

Really good mosaic!

I am curious about your imaging process. How do you plan the imaging session? 65 avi is really a lot, what do you do for guaranteed coverage of the whole Moon? How big is the overlapping between 2 areas?

Do you have any automation of imaging session?

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Thanks guys.;)

Hello Mike,

I am curious about your imaging process. How do you plan the imaging session? 65 avi is really a lot, what do you do for guaranteed coverage of the whole Moon? How big is the overlapping between 2 areas?

Do you have any automation of imaging session?

65 is a small mosaic , my last was 107.:)

There is no automaton during capture, I just make sure the camera is very accurately aligned to the RA and DEC of the scope and overlay "al's reticule" ( goggle is your friend here:)) over the live view. I stretch the reticule ( using the controls in al's reticule) until I get a border showing the overlap I require. Then if I am moving left to right across the moon I take note of the features in the right hand border and put them in the left hand border making sure there is no movement up or down by spotting a feature that lies on the top or bottom red line and keeping it on that line.

The same process applies for moving up or down a row just using the top or bottom boarders instead.

the image below will help you make sence of my ramblings above and show you the overlap I used on this mosaic.

Hope that all makes sence and helps.



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