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The Sun 29 March 2012 white light


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Things are certainly heating up!

Well done, good catch and as usual, well presented.

This should encourage others to get a bit of Baader Solar film on their scope and follow the development of these sunspot groups.

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That's very nice Bizibilder:)

I just can't get a nice sharp focus today, probably due to lots of air turbulance. Venus is bright in the blue sky but it's phasing in and out of focus like mad, really wobberly.

Trying out a green No.56 filter, it's just a simple image, not stacked or processed in anyway.


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There is quite a bit of high haqze around today making imaging the Sun difficult. (What makes it worse is my main 'puter is broken - power supply failure - so I can't process anything until Tuesday or Wednesday!).

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