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Which of these 2 is best for solar?

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With summer approaching and long light nights, which of the following of my scopes would be best suited to solar work - both visual and imaging?

Meade 200mm F10 SCT

Revelation 80mm APO F6 ish

I'm thinking the Revelation as I hardly need the light grasp, it will show more of the disc as it has lower effective magnification and it will need less solar film.

Open to suggestions though.

Also, which solar film?

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The 80mm would certainly be good enough for white light observing/ imaging. The average seeing conditions don't always allow maximum use of aperture.

(I have a 150/1200 for white light and usually have to stop down to 100mm)

The Baader solar film is a safe bet; add a green or Continuum filter and you have a good set up.

For the absolute best in white light definition the good, but expensive Baader Herschel wedge (or you could make your own.....) is definately the weapon of choice!

An ND3 filter is needed behind the wedge.

For imaging....well the DMK series seems to be a winner at the moment, and Autostakkert V2 for processing.

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