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Hello from Bridgend, South Wales


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Just saying hello and introducing myself:)

My names Phil and from Bridgend (Cardiff originally!)

I used to be quite keen on Lunar Obs when I was younger but followed other routes as I grew older - partially due to lack of funds and poor equipment. Now I'm older and possibly wiser I've taken the plunge and just ordered myself a Skyliner 200P. I'm also a good photographer so maybe a possible coupling there!:(

I've got plenty of questions lined up for the knowledgable amongst you, so watch this space - literally:)

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Hi Phil and welcome to the forum. That is a very good scope and will serve you for some time to come. Its not the U.K's best selling scope for nothing! On the imaging front, the scope in its present set up (dobsonian) will allow you to image the moon and the planets using a straight forward webcam. These objects are relatively near and bright and so can be captured very quickly without the need for accurate tracking as they move across the sky. You then construct a final image by selecting the best 'frames' and then stack the good ones on top of each other to make a final composite image. There is plenty of free pieces of software to help you such as Registax, Sharpcap, Wx Astrocapture and Craterlet. Imaging Deep Sky Objects (DSO's) galaxies and nebulae is a slightly different arrangement and will require a very accurate mount to help track these objects because they are further away and in the main incredibly faint. Tracking is needed to help capture this faint data to later process into the final image and the best way to perform this requirement is to set the scope up on an equatorial mount that is able to track objects in a smooth curve across the sky. Your dobsonian mount is an alt-azimuth type of mount which has an up/down and left/right action. Hope that helps.

Clear skies for now.


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Thanks for all the warm welcome guys!:(

Garethmob, whereabouts do they have the meetings? Does it move around or is there a set place?

JBM1165, thanks for the tips:) I'm well rusty on telescope usage so probably well ahead of myself with the photography, but it's definitely an avenue i'd like to explore in the future. For the time being I'll be content with wandering the skies, seeing what I can see. I'm lucky that I visit West Wales every couple of weeks and where I stay is literally in the middle of nowhere, with very little ambient light. That is one of the main reasons for me turning back to astronomy, as I was sat out under the stars a few weeks ago and I could see Venus, Jupiter, Mars and a huge number of stars clearly, that I thought to myself that a telescope would be fantastic investment in such a beautiful environment.

Thanks again everyone for making me feel so welcome:)

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at the moments we have 2 sites we use

South Wales Astro SGL sites - Google Maps

the main site is currently blaenavon as it is currently the darkest we have, but we are looking at a site further in mid wales for near perfect darkness

if theres any sites you wish to recamend dont hesitate to say :(

heres a link to the next meet, your more than welcome to join us!


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