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Amazing Mars - March 27, 2012


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Mars was stunning last night in my 16". Grabbed this sketch at x295 magnification with neodymium filter. Seeing AII-III


CM 356 degrees

3% Phase


The main feature was the mass of darkness that worked its way up on the right hand side of the disc from the tiny NPC. This is Mare Acidalium, and it curved around towards the morning limb. Down to the lower right of this arcing material was a brighter spot just rotating onto the disc.

In the south was a dark band broken in two. The left dark marking is Sinus Sabeaus, which swirled down close to the CM into a dark nodule - Sinus Meridiani

To the right was a dark marking with two prongs splitting either side of Sinus Meridiani. The lower prong is Oxla Palus. The upper prong (I think) is Vulcani Pelagus. The broader dark marking that runs to the right of these prongs is Mare Erythraeum.

In the bottom left of the disc were some low contrast markings. These correspond nicely to the darker areas that circle north of the Arabia / Eden area.

Note how tiny the NPC is. Its really shrunk away dramatically from earlier in the year, it being tipped almost at its maximum towards the sun now. The martian summer solstice in the north is on 9 April. A dark band defined the edge of the NPC, which was darker to its right / upper right.

Note too a tiny bright cloud immediately to the south of the NPC !

Limb brightenings were seen in the East and West. On the east morning limb it was more extensive. On the west evening limb it was more like a finger of cloud hugging the edge of the planet. Also it appeared quite bright on the south, just above sinus sabaeus.

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Great sketch. After a fairly poor start I had some excellent seeing last night, although only managed to sketch the broad details, without the finer details that you've managed.

Good stuff Bish. Would be great to see your sketch :(

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Good stuff Bish. Would be great to see your sketch :(

I'll have to start posting my sketches. Although not nearly as detailed as yours it gives an idea of how I see it through the ep.

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