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New SW Explorer 200P, my first shot: THE MOON.


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Hello :p

Yet another image of the moon.

My (huge) Skywatcher Explorer 200P Eq5 has finally arrived (from FLO obviously). I'm impressed with the size , build quality and weight of this telescope! Very solid piece of kit. It looks much bigger then any picture I have seen before.

Connecting my Nikon dSLR was very straight forward, so I took the chance to try (my first time) to do astrophotography through a telescope.

Seeing was extremely poor, the sky was foggy and orangish, the moon was just above a roof and behind an orange public light :o despite the picture lacks of details and contrast I'm happy because it's my first one through a telescope and I didn't make any effort to take it. This is a jpg crop, the original one was a fatty raw file.

If you people have any suggestion on how to get a sharper image, let me know. (I believe the scope needs collimation because everything was kind of distorted, especially mars and venus that showed a tale like a comet even when the "body" of the planet was focussed).

Clear skies :blob10:


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