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Mods to Meade LX200 Classic Controller?

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Hi, I managed to pick up a replacement controller for my LX200 10" as a spare. I know that these scopes are virtually useless if the controllers fail as the brains are in them. Mine has been modified to avoid the common problem, but the new one looks as if it has not. My original has a 10uf 50V electrolytic capacitor where a tantalum bead one was. I seem to have a couple of extra diodes as well. Question is, is there a documented and preferred list of components that need to be replaced in these hand units? Although no longer in the trade, I was an electronics engineer in a previous life so know how to wield a soldering iron.

Not sure if I paid over the odds at 60 something quid, but it gives me peace of mind.



I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?e3oash

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Cannot help in the least except to suggest asking on the Weasner site:

Mike and Laurraine's Home Page and also put a post on the CN site in the Meade section.

Don't think you paid over the odds at 60, would have expected more as they are esential to a scope like that. I tend to grab any handset for mine that I can if I see one.

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