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Autoguiding cracked ... but still a problem.

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After a long time trying, the challenge of autoguiding has just about been sorted - took quite a lot of problem solving though.

I have documented what I have done here, it may help others and there may also be someone who has already been here and seen the problems I have had and might offer some additional advice (possible port clash?)


QHY5 camera

SkyWatcher ST80 refractor

USB cables





Microsoft Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2

Microsoft Net Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2

Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1


and some additional software that allows complete removal of QHY5 drivers to start all over again - Astrosoftbe/InstallTool (thanks to Bern from Modern Astronomy for his instructions and links because I would not have sorted this without his help).

Well, I installed all the above and the QHY5 camera went about calibrating itself, moving the mount on all planes and then came up GUIDING. I was so pleased then ...... as soon as I started my first capture with BYEOS - PHD crashed with errors 31 and error 22 intermittently. Removed and reloaded drivers and again same problem. Checked BYEOS was set to dither mode (PHD set to server enabled), crashed. Tried different drivers (QHY5_1024), still crashed and even though I tried all 4 USB slots on the laptop I could not get the two programs to work together. Only thing I can put it down to is a USB clash but unsure how to isolate. Thought about a USB cable problem but as u will read later, it works fine on a 2nd lappy so probably not that.

However, all was not lost and fired up the netbook which is notoriously slow and of course I had to download MS Net Framework which took around 2 hours to install. But - it worked even though PHD is not tied in with BYEOS and I was running out of time and patience - 0200am. I took 3 x 6 minute captures of M51 and they were absolutely perfect.

So, needing two laptops but I am autoguiding - the port clash (if it is this) has beaten me for now but the main thing is .... sorted :blob10:

Next challenge will be EQMOD but that will be for another day :o


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Hi Steve,

I had some weird issues with my QHY5 when I first started using it for autoguiding.

My main camera is an Atik 314L and I really struggled to get it and the QHY5 running at the sametime. I also use PHD along and Maxim DL for the imaging capture on the Atik.

At the time I was running both cameras, plus an Atik EFW and EQDir through a single USB hub. Like you I thought it must have been some kind of USB port issue. So I installed a second USB powered USB hub purely for the QHY5...since then I've had no problems at all!

Hope that helps..


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Thats correct..

I'm actually using a desktop PC as its permanently setup in my obsy...but no difference to a laptop.

I needed a HUB as I only have a couple of USB ports on the desktop and also the distance from the PC to the mount and cameras etc was over 3 m....of course now I have two hubs...and I did subsequently add some additional USB ports to the desktop... but still using the hubs as the distance is greater then the 3 m limit for usb devices.

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