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Skywatcher pyrex mirrors ?

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Hi all

I've gone really off the rails ... looking at changing my scope for something lighter - maybe a Mak,

My 150 will hopefully be gone by Tuesday so all going well I'll be ordering Wednesday, now seriously looking at the 10" skyliner, i know ... aperture fever strikes again !

What is the benefit of pyrex ? is it lighter? the Skywatcher site mentions faster cool down times too.

Really appreciate your opinions

Many thanks

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I don't believe the difference is that they cool more quickly, but rather that they are more stable as temperature changes (ie. expand/contract less) and thus are more tolerant of temperature difference.


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I don't believe the difference is that they cool more quickly, but rather that they are more stable as temperature changes (ie. expand/contract less) and thus are more tolerant of temperature difference.


I think its a bit of both to be honest.

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