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Solar imaging with SPC900


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I've just given imaging the sun a go through my 200p and SPC900. The results weren't great and I didn't seem to get a decent focus but I did manage to get AR1445. I had 100 frames to stack but it's poor really, maybe because I haven't got a clue how to use Registax. Is it possible to get anything decent of the sun with an SPC900?

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I did Malcolm. Although I did have a slight mishap. At one point I didn't have the cover on as I was checking it was intact and had an eyepiece in as I had been observing. I noticed the light reflecting and used the cover to put over the EP until I pointed it down. The cover started smoldering and melted it slightly. Scary experience and definitely a learning curve.

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I'm searching my images as I managed some decent sunspot images with my 200P. 2" aperture with film and a NexImage / SPC900. Here's one - details in the image


I know what you mean about how easy it is to make mistakes - I had an SPC900 with filter attached, and inadvertently slew the scope round full aperture - only took a couple of seconds before I heard the cracking sound and the penny dropped and the scope moved off target - result was one filter in two halves (clean crack) and a fried CCD ! - mind you this was at a time when the SPC;s were just a few quid and in abundance

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