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Issue with Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD


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Hi guys, i recently bought a Microsoft LifeCam Cinema HD, before i modded it i tried it on my pc and it worked perfect. i did the Gary Honis mod, fitting it in a billet parts adapter.

i thought the simple mod and custom made case would have the camera poerfect but sadly no.. i tried to focus it on jupitar and the moon with no luck, i then tried it in the day light and eventually got a focus on something around 3/4 a mile away.. but ive just tried again in the dark and failed to get a focus....

i wound the focus knob all the way left, then right... moved the camera out a bit, then focused left and right again... then added a tal 2x barlow, focused left and right.. moved it out of the barlow... well you get the message.. i tried everything and can not get a focus, nor can i even see anything on the sharpcap screen... i at least thought id see a blury blob but nothing

any ideas? im ready to inflict pain on this poor camera!

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What was you trying to focus on at night ? Webcams arn't very sensitive and need a bright light source (planet of moon) for them to work.The other possiblity is that you hadn't lined the telescope correctly with the target. Webcams have a small field of view similar to that of a 6mm eyepiece so getting the target planet onto the sensor in the first place can be difficult. To make it easier try making a 10mm eyepiece parfocal with the camera. Centre the target planet in the eyepiece and focus, remove the eyepiece and replace it with the webcam. Because the eyepiece and camera now focus at the same point you should now have a focused image with the webcam. Meade have a video showing how to make an eyepiece parfocal here


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thanks for the replies, im downloading the videos now.. when the caffines kicked in and im aware enough to even know what time it is ill sit and watch them :blob10:

in the past ive used the moon and jupitar. last night there was no moon so i got jupitar bang in the centre of my 8mm ep then put the cam in, a few times i swapped back to the ep to make sure the goto mount was still tracking ok and it was

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I am interested in having a dabble at imaging, but since the demise of the Philips webcam the consensus is that the Microsoft HD one in the new leader of the pack. I too have looked at the Billets video on Youtube where Gary Honis does the mod. I must say that it does look pretty involved, so wasn't really happy doing it myself. Is there anyone or anywhere who does the modification????????

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i havent had a chance to have another go with the camera yet, im wondering if i cant get it right.. would anyone who owns a lifecam cinema and uses it on their scope would be willing to have a go with mine and make sure its ok? ill pay poistage both ways...

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Just switch the webcam on in a lighted room and it should show a white screen, cover it with your hand or a piece of card and the screen should go black - result: webcam is working. Then try it again on your scope. It can be really tricky to get a small object like a planet onto the chip when you start out - putting it in the middle of the fov with an eyepiece does not always work! Try with the gain and exposure fully "up" and you should be able to find your target.

An out of focus image may well be invisible on a webcam even with the gain and exposure up - so persevere and you will succeed.

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so persevere and you will succeed.

or it'll go in the pond thats 6 foot away from where i set up ;)

seriously though.. ive tried the light and dark thing, i get a picture no problems at all during the day.. it just seem to be the dark thats killing me.. ill keep trying though, although im struggling without a finder scope and flo are taking their time getting a replacment to me.. not even answering my messages now :)

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