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SkySafari user? Top tip for planning imaging.


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Hi All,

I've had SkySafari Pro on my iPad for a while now and use it to plan an evenings viewing or imaging. I even set up my own observing lists for just this reason, so I can write down my targets and notes before I go out (app needs Airprint to print a simple list in the next version). I don't actually take my iPad outside though nor do I control my setup with it, yet...

Anyway, I was having a dig throughout the settings the other day and under telescope control you can set up field of views for eyepieces. this shows an overlay which expands/contracts as you zoom in/out on the chart. Fine.

But I noticed, you can set up a cameras field of view as well.

So, I hoped over to here: Field of view Calculator added my scope and camera and my reducer/flattener and it calculates your field of view for you.

Put these numbers into SkySafari and it draws a nice rectangular box, again as an overlay, over the chart.

So now, I can have a browse of the charts and see exactly how big a target will on my DSLR sensor through my imaging setup. Love it.

Screen grabs below. Hope this helps someone.



Settings screen


Christmas Tree Cluster


Flaming Star Nebula


Orion Nebula


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