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3rd scope choice - a SW127 Mak ??

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Hi Guys. Thinking of grabbing a third scope. High on my list of possibles is a Skywatcher 127 Mak. Hopefully 2nd hand via ABS website.

Would like any opinions on whether, as I have a C100ED refractor, that the 127 would be rather similar in performance as the C100 on the moon and planets. Presume it will beat my frac for some DSO's. Is it worth the money given what I already have. Would it be sensible to go for a 150 ??

Would principally use for visual but with the odd play about with a webcam.

I have a Skytee mount and was looking to mount both OTA's at the same time. Peeps have already suggested 6 in reflectors to mount on the Skytee as a "foil" for my C100.

Any opinions appreciated.


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I have both and tbh they are pretty similar for moon and planets but I would say the frac is a tiny bit sharper while the mak takes higher powers better. I like the mak for binoviewing - for just visual I'd say you will find them pretty similar. ps the frac looks way nicer:)

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ok ok seriously it really depends what you hope to gain with it. I'd suspect that your frac will provide better views generally? you have good aperture already with your 10".

maybe a longer focal length newt is something to consider? we keep threatening to get together and maybe this is a good chance to do so. you could compare my 6" f5 and 6" f11 with your 100 frac and see what you think?

the problem is always the bloomin' weather I suppose!

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