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Lincoln Observatory - Mars


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This Friday and Saturday night, there is an open evening at Lincoln Astronomical Society, for members of the public to observe the red planet Mars. Doors open at 7:30. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.

I hope i've posted this in the right section, my apologies if I haven't.


Location details on the link^

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sounds good, I may well come along to that on one of the nights.

Yay, I helped somebody, sort of :)

Park out on the main road, the little street with the entrance is hard to find a space in.

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A reminder that I keep intending to visit LAS.

But if the sky is clear, I will want to stay home and look at Mars.

If it is cloudy you won't see Mars either!

Decisions, decisions.

You can stay at home any day/night, come along, not too far for you, meet like minded people face to face. I've only been once before but everybody was friendly...

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what a great night! mars looked amazing, even through slight fog. 4-5 scopes set up, some trained on mars, others on venus and jupiter. Great detail in mars, the best I have seen in the obsy. Venus - half venus phase. looked really good.

jupiter was fogged out for me.

met some old friends and even work mates! cheers Kelvin, I really enjoyed it.

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