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Spiders, cross hairs and clouds

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Good evening all

Posted a few days ago asking for purchase advice - thanks for the replies.

Went with a Skywatcher 150p. Arrived today and all built.

Spotter scope all aligned. When I tried to focus on the brightest star I could make out some light but was essentially looking at cross hairs (believe this is the mirror 'spider').

Focusing is operational (ie tube retracts and extends) but makes little difference on seeing anything. I'm not trying to see Saturn or anything - just anything that's not blurred or has a cross hair.

I could have done with the moon tonight but it seems to be evading Bedford at the moment!

I've tried focusing all the way in and out to no avail.

I'm using factory lenses with and without Barlow - have tried all combinations.

Any pointers much appreciated.


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A common mistake with the Skywatcher scopes is to use the 2 eyepiece adapters together, ie: the 1.25" one and the 2" one. Unlike some other scopes, with the Skywatchers these are designed to go into the focuser tube singly. If you use them as a pair, you won't be able to bring eyepieces to focus.

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Thanks - teach me to do it in a rush.

Do the foucus tubes look all ok?

You do have both tubes in as suggested. Take the big 2" one out of the base and then just insert the smaller one - you need to get further in to focus which you can't do like that.

The picture was the right thing to do - that other issue with the counterweights could damage the mount if not sorted.

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Thankyou - the focus tubes sounds like its what's causing the issue - does anyone have a picture of the proper setup? At work at the moment so cant have a play.

I'm assuming I take the centre black adapter out (ie #2 in pic)?


Not a fan of the Skywatcher instrutions - they dont mention any of this!

Also, thanks for all your help so far :)

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Thankyou - you are all very helpful - I will give it a go tonight,

One last thing (again apologies for a complete dunce question..)

Is there a website or App that can tell me when I will next see the moon in my field of vision (my garden points SW, Bedford). Got an Ipad app that tells me where it is and its rise/set times (normally other side of the house by the street lights), but not when it wil next be sitting over my garden.

Not yet reading star maps etc so need a Mickey Mouse guide to get me started. I figure being a telescope novice, the moon might be a good place to start.

Thankyou again for your generous assistance


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I assume you are just using the 1.25" eyepieces which came with the scope.

If you are you need to remove item 3.

Item 2 will then slot into where 3 was.

As a personal preference I keep item 3 in place which allows me to use my 2" Hyperion and I then insert a self centering adaptor for when I use the 1.25" ones.

This may be something to consider should you get any 2" eyepieces

Hopefully above is not too confusing?

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If it was me I'd remove the OTA, move the weight and then refit the OTA.

If you are using Pocket Universe on the iPad, disable the automatic motion control, pan the view so it is looking in the desired direction, and then use the fast forward controls to bring the desired object into view - that gives you the time you can observe from your location.

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If it was me I'd remove the OTA, move the weight and then refit the OTA.


Exactly whatI'm planning to do when I get out of work. As you can imagine, a tad embarresed by my posted assembly picture but there we go! If you know me, it wouldnt be a suprise (Ikea flat packs etc)

Good tip on the Ipad - didnt relaise you could fast forward.

Thanks again for continued tips/advice


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