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Even more budget DSO: M42 (Only Camera AP)


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as said in the Planetary thread, I'm still awaiting for my new telescope (SW 200p) to be delivered, so all I could do in this almost-clear Saint Patrick evening was taking some snaps of the sky with my usual setup: cheap tripod, Nikon D3100 and cheap Sigma 300 mm telezoom.

It amazes me that I can still pop out some objects that cannot be seen with naked eye, with such an irrelevant setup.

So, this is an Even More Budget DSO :) (Single Shot, 5 seconds or something like that, Curves adjusted with some nikon software and apple preview :) )

Again, all of your daily images are stunning and I never get tired looking at them over and over in their different flavours (especially M42, it's so enchanting!) but of course this is cr*p in comparison, I just wanted to share though.

This could be interesting also for those who do not have a telescope and would like to catch something from the nightsky or experiment some kind of AP on a budget.

Tips welcome.


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Nice one :) just a camera and a tripod no telescope images/ one of mine from a night in a dark field in Suffolk somewhere..

You can see the Pleiades just to the right of the big tree. And all that lovely light pollution from the town.


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