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Only Camera AP: Spikey Venus; Little Mars


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Hello Folks,

Saint Patrick gave us some sweet views of Venus, Jupiter and (I believe) Mars here in Ireland this evening. (Someone please confirm if that's Mars or am I looking at the wrong Reddish object? :) )

Since I'm still awaiting for my telescope to be delivered :) I could only take a snap of this sweet view with my cheap Sigma Zoom attached to my beloved Nikon D3100.

Stopping down a little bit (from f/5 to f/8), Venus showed some cool spikes, so I wanted to share my little records. Nothing to do with the stunning detailed pictures that many of you post daily though. Atmosphere wasn't very stable; taken over roofs and orange public lights :)

Of course if any of you have some tips on how to get better results with this kind of setup (which is dSLR, 300 MM Sigma Zoom and cheap tripod :)) feel free to comment :)

Please click on the images to see more "detail" :)




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If you put in the time of night , you can work it out by the Stars.

I am not that good to work it out but a Star program can.

I normally use Stellarium but I was getting ready to go to the pub to celebrate a bit S.Patrick since I worked all day :) so I ignored that ...

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I usually bung my pics into here. How ever.bad as one really bad one once showed me summet was there I hadnt noticed

Flickr: astrometry

You need a flikr account. Upload the pics to your account then add them

To the group pool of astrometry

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Garethmob: that's a good idea. I also use that on flickr but since I don't have a pro account, I'm not uploading "cheap" pictures anymore ;) . From time to time, depending on the picture, Astrometry might not be able to identify the objects on them. Anyway I think I will give it a try ;)

Garethmob, what is your flickr page? I will be glad to take a look at your pics there. Mine is this one: Flickr: Tziu Riky's Photostream

Best Regards


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