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Advice appreciated


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I live near Newark and was given a Sykwatcher 127 (with alt-azimuth goto mount) mak for Xmas - trying to get to grips with it. Enjoying it very much though. I have read all sorts "Turn Left to Orian" being the primary. I am gradually sorting out slight improvements but the scope shakes when focusing ( I have a really heavy sandbag hung off the mount) and the focus knob is not fine enough. I would like buy a focuser. Looked at lots - limited room on the back plate - thinking of Baader Steeltrack but no data sheets on dimensions - any advice on where to go appreciated. I have the 45mm to 48mm adaptor already so a 2" (sloppy to an engineer 2" is not 48mm getting old) sct focuser is ok.

I am amazed that given the cost of equipment data sheets are few and far between and reliance is placed on suppliers for info - in the main.

By the way tried various forums re this advice but no response - puzzeled!!!! maybe puddled oh well you can only try.

regards to you all this cloudy night

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The Baader Steeltrack is a great d/s focuser but I think it may be a bit big for your scope and mount combination - too much weight and would only increase the vibration problems. They are mostly made for larger Newtonians and Sct's. But you'd need a sturdier mount like an EQ5 or CG5 to support it and the goto versions are not cheap.

Some folks have used a diy attachment for the focus knob using (believe it or not) a Marmite lid. Transcribe the circumference of your focus knob around the center of the lid, and make 6 equal cuts across the center of the circle. Then bend them inwards and push the focuser knob through before re-attaching to the scope. Paint black before fitting for best effect.

Another idea would be to buy a motor focuser - ring FLO for advice on that one. If you have hollow tripod legs fill them with sand to reduce vibration. Ensure everything on the tripod and mount is done up tightly. Where two moving surfaces meet, do the bolts up snugly but just enough that you still have free movement. The sand bag is a good idea.

Hope that helps :)

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