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Which image capture software?

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I'm making my first attempts at capturing images with a webcam prior to doing the SC1 mod and I'm unsure which software to put my learning effort into. I've tried K3CCDTools V1 and V3 , wxAstrocapture and Astrovideo. wxAstrocapture doesn't seem to have the ability to handle the LX aspects and CCDTools v1 keeps losing contact with both my webcams (vesta and SPC900). V3 seems fine as does Astrovideobut but both cost.

I will probably go to Registax for the next stage any recommendations for capturing?


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Thanks for the info, I will look into the list on SC's website.

I had seen the link to vega previously but when I downloaded it and unzipped it I cannot get it to install.

The files after unzipping are







They look like they need to be "expanded" Am I missing something obvious?


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Am I missing something obvious

Yep, your missing the fact that I'm having an over 60's moment :wink:

Sorry mate, I missed some files but have put that right now

so try again....

Hope the guy who wrote it doesn't mind me storing it but I can't seem to find

Vega on the internet any more..

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Try QCfocus, its a 'freebee', and is readily available for download.

I use it with my SPC900NC web-cam, and it works very well.

Can't remember the url 'off hand', but a 'Google' for QCfocus will 'do the trick'.


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I've got the new content & can install now thanks.


Thanks I'll include QCFocus in my list to try out.

Now all I've got to do is modify my first Vesta & try out this long list of alternatives, that'll keep me busy for a few days. I suspect it'll come down to how I like the interface since I don't yet have a feel for what features I'll really use.

Thanks for your help


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