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2nd scope for Skytee mount - reccomendations.

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Hi All. Recently aquired a Skytee 2 mount. Just tried the once so far and mightly impressed.

This will be a minefield I'm sure but I am now toying with the idea of mounting another scope to complement my refractor. A Celestron ED100 F9.

Any reccomendations ??

Initial idea was probably a Mak - 127/150, Vixen 110 L et al.

Would this be barking up the same tree as my ED100 ?? Budget would be about £200 - probably second hand.

Bearing in mind I already have a 10in LX90.

Any comments appreciated.


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Something fast for wide angle / deep sky ?

A 6" F/5 newtonian will show a lot under dark skies.

At last years SGL star party I had a dual scope setup on my alt-az mount. It comprised an Intes 6" F/5.9 mak-newtonian on one side and my Vixen ED102SS F/6.5 refractor on the other. Had some fun with those scopes !.

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