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Afternoon everyone!

Got up this morning and was greeted with lovely weather!! A bit windy but very clear with a few small clouds insight.

Couldn't wait to get home so I could see if I could find the crab nebular! (M1?) Just finished work and it's CLOUDY!!!! Noooooo! Although there is some promising breaks appearing. I doubt it will be clear enough though!

Is anyone else planning a night out? If so, you'll have to let us know how you get one!

All the best and thanks for reading.



I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?bqlegp

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Hi Tom

Shouldn't worry to much buddy the moons gonna stop most DSO,s from being observed tonight.

The Crab neb is very difficult indeed with a full moon.

Regards Steve

Hello Steve.

Thanks for the comment. It's just really cleared up and had a quick 20 minutes! I tried looking in Taurus but as you say, far too much light! Couldn't make out where to look either! Haha. Tried finding it around the horn point but no luck at all! Ha.

I noticed a shooting star though, that was a treat!

Thanks again for the comment.


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