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A very non-scientific experiment regarding focussers, diagonals & 2" eyepieces.

Odd Thomas

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I couldn't get out observing last night so started 'playing' with the scope.

I have an 8SE and use on it, at various times, 1.25 visual back with 1.25 diagonal as supplied, an aftermarket Crayford focusser with 2" quartz diagonal and either 2" or 1.25 eyepieces, 1.25 binoviewers using either 1.25 or 2" diagonals and different combinations of the above depending on how I feel.

Now, I'm a definate amateur, I do no seriouse observing, and at 52 years of age my eyesight is not perfect. I wear glasses (not at the telescope) and have so many floaters in my eyes its like looking through fog somtimes! I've spent many nights wondering which is the optimum set up of the gear I have, so I thought I'd give it a try and see.

I set the scope up in the house pointing through the room door, down the hall, through the dining room, conservatory to outside and down the garden in the shed I fixed a 6" rule to the wall. Total distance from scope to rule around 100 feet.

I then tried every combination of diagonal, focusser, binoviewer, 2" & 1.25 eyepiece (same focal length) etc that was possible, making a note of the field of view, as measured on the rule, general impressions etc. and was very happily supprised at the results.

My highly non scientific experiment proved (to me anyway) that there is no discernable difference between any of the set ups! The only thing I did notice is the view through the binoviewers, using any combination of other gear, was substantially better than through a single eyepiece!

Now I know the stars are a bit further away than my shed, and I know all about working out the fov through different eyepieces etc. but I now know that in practice, for me, the binoviewers give a far better image and nothing else makes much differance!

If nothing else it means I can save time deciding what to take out and just get on observing.



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With you all the way there Tom - I'm a big fan of b'vs on Sct's. The brain puts the two images together and somehow gives an allmost 3D totally enhanced experience. Just gotta save for those Denks and dual Ethos now lol :D

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