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M31 - Still no enough data?!


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Hey guys, so i managed to get 45mins worth of 30sec subs @ ISO800 (ISO1600 was just washed out)

This image is:

90 x 30sec lights

10 x darks

0 x flats

0 x bias

Do i need more data? As im not really getting as much detail as id have hoped.

Is this is a mix of :

a) Bright moon

:) Need longer exposures

c) Need better camera/gear in general

d) can i improve or have i hit a limit?

Any feedback welcome! :)

Many thanks


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Some flats would make a big difference; it would allow you to stretch the histogram more without the vignetting and reveal a lot more of the data.

After that, to get more faint detail you will need to try and take longer subs; depending on how this goes, you may want to invest in an auto guider.

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You've done pretty well on a sinking target in a bright moon Eddy.

You can never have too much data for M31 though, and its a tough one to process. See if you can make the jump to 60 second subs perhaps and grab as many as you can.

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Yeah i will once i get a few more bits, at the moment i dont have serial control over my DSLR, only either 30sec through backyard EOS, or longer using a remote cable that i have.

And LP here isnt REAL BAD but its not good either. But ill be giving it a go tomorrow i think, ill get 20/30 60sec subs and see how i get on :) Ill just have to time it all with my watch lol until my serial cables arrive! :)

I have a load of bits on order at the moment, so just learning quickly at a) how difficult it is and :icon_scratch: how to waste a good night sky! lol (but of course, enjoying it all the time!)

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