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Aborted Moon Mosaic


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Not a good night to try a high resolution moon mosaic.:)

Very variable seeing ( evident in the change in the level of detail showing across the frames I did get), ever increasing mist and passing cloud meant there was no way to keep the brightness of each frame constant. Add to that my over generous overlaps meant this was never going to go well. Things started to fall apart not long after starting and I finally admitted defeat after 31 AVI's.

Shot through my 10" f4.8 newt and DMK21, eyepiece projection with a 10mm ep through a red filter @ 30 FPS

Not sure how many of the 1200 frames from each avi were used as I let AVIstack auto process the lot. Wavlets applied in R6 and put together in imerge.

The really annoying thing was the seeing was excellent when I used Plato to focus.

I could see at least 7 cratlets on the live display but I never shot any data and by the time I reached Plato in the mosaic I could only just see three while shooting.

Below is at 30% and HERE Is the full size image.

One day I WILL get a complete moon mosaic at this scale but I may have to wait for something less than half moon to get it done.



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