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In the three months I've been lurking and then eventually become a member, I can't say I really noticed anything amiss. If I'm honest, I feel that this is a great credit to the moderation team and the long-time members of SGL. My reasoning being, that through this supposed turbulent period, this is still the friendliest, most helpful and most literate forum I have ever seen or used on the internet. Long may it continue!

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Thanks Moderators for using your grindstone to take off a few sharp edges, noticed some members making rather snipy comments of late, who are now no longer with us and not all of these were newcomers, if they want to do that sort of thing they can go and reside with some other forum, but not with us :)


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I personally did not notice anything bad happening on SGL:confused: If there was trouble coming from a few people, Mods and Admin have done the correct thing, well done! SGL is a friendly place and needs to stay that way. I have never known anybody in astronomy to be anything but friendly and helpful? In all the years I have been doing astronomy, starting as a novice and working my way up I have had nothing but help and good advice. This I hope to give to newbies when they come to viewing sessions that I attend (normally at Lacock for Wiltshire AS), I have also helped out some SGL members on a one to one meet up.


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I think that this is a good decision.

There was an unpleasantness creeping in which was not there before.

Why do some people seem to get pleasure from trying to ruin something that's good and works. :)


My thoughts exactly.

Every good community needs rules. In everday life we call them manners. Those tiny sacrifices we make to maximise the experience of everyone. Some people just don't get this though.

I'd like to add my thanks for the many hours that all the admin and mods must put in which means that the rest of us can come on here and have a great time.

(Pressing the LIKE button)


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Had not noticed a problem, but not on the site as much as I would like to be.

Thanks to all the mods & admins for sorting the problem out before it became to big a problem. And may I add my thanks to the mods & admins for all the work they do in keeping this site going.

Many clear nights,


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It is sad that this thread ever had to be started. Let us hope there are no more like this!

I'm sure all SGL'ers share my view that we should never 'dance on the graves' of those who are departed. They got it wrong, so they have regrettably been shown the door. Now they should be left in peace. End of story.

I only wish I'd not committed the very solecism to which I refer, years ago, on another forum. I learnt my lesson the hard way. :)

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As a newbie I have always found other members to be very couteous and helpful. I have mainly concentrated on the newbie side of the forum, so have not stumbled across any heated discussions. You all do a great job and i know you would not have made these decisions without just reason.

Thanks for keeping this forum a happy, friendly place

Jo :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well done Admin for biting the bullet here. I would be lost without this forum and I regard it as my extended family. You're all a wonderful bunch. I haven't noticed anything unpleasnt but I don't go on all sections.

Some nasty people seem to enjoy the sad little bit of power they have over people when they cause harm. Particulalry when they're not doing it face-to-face with the person. They'd probably run away if that was the case! I've been on some pretty nasty sites where this sort of thing is rife and it makes me feel sick to the stomach.

I'm so glad the rot has been dug out before it took hold. Well done Admin for all your hard work keeping this wonderful site going! :(


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Heh. this place is a breeze compared to the other forum I frequent. That place is - how shall I put it - robust, to say the least. there's no trolling there or anything, but woe betide you if you post something wishy washy, ill thought out or lacking in intellectual rigour!

I find myself often dialling down how I respond\post on here to fit with the vibe of the place. it takes some doing to change down out of OTF mode into SGL mode...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its a thankless task sometimes for all the hours put in by the people who run this site. It is without doubt the best there is, so all credit to the admin and Mods for what they do. Keep up the good work.

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I personally know no one who founded, set up or now run this forum. I can just sincerely thank you all. Remember this is not YouTube. This is your gig. Keep treating it as such. A wealth of knowledge is spread on here and real friendship is made.

(And sorry for linking PBC to that particular YouTube clip. Which is hilarious...)

Cheers to you guys who make this possible. Apart from a gold coloured scope - kinda looked cool - every astronomy related item I own is rooted in knowledge and advice I gained on SGL.

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I visit these forums on a daily basis and read up a lot more than I post since joining. I mus say Mods and Admins you do such a splendid job in comparison to a lot of forums on the web which allow abuse and trolling to continue without conciquence. It is a breath of fresh air to clearly see how much effort you all put in to ensure members have a nice stay on SGL.

What's left to say but to keep up the good work!

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Like many have said before me, I hadn't noticed, or gave the benefit of doubt to the posters, of less than pleasant replies. Well done to the admin team for their courage to take the right steps - and well done too, for a great forum.

I know from emails at work that the written word can often be taken the wrong way, and also know that I fall foul of that at times also, so please tell me if I offend in any way, because it is better that I know and choose my words well than to upset others and risk not being able the use the forum.

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I spend to long in one part of the forum cant say I noticed any thing but sad that people just cant be nice to each other or at least polite and reasonable. I am guilty of giving the mods a hard time in the past but that's due to not being a moderator and seeing what they have to put up with sometimes. I love this forum and hope it remains friendly and easy going.

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I am a new member and have been on other forums where things get out of hand

and in the end things can turn sour.. and members stop visiting as regular.

You have done the right thing in my opinion and I have to say SGL as far as I am concerned has been nothing but fun and intuitive for me.. keep up the good work! :)

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I got into a heated debate recently and one person went over the top a little. I told him it was a bit harsh and not clever and he almost immediately sent me a PM apologising. I see he is still a member and I'm pleased to see it.

Do those people who have now been excluded get some kind of "yellow card" warning? If they do and they continue to transgress the rules, by all means get rid, but give everyone a chance please.

People can get very brave on the internet (I've just read a post about someone who was treated appallingly by another person on Astro Buy & Sell) and I think they often get into the kind of detached personal criticism or perhaps extreme opinion. It becomes normal behaviour and they do need the jolt of a yellow card to bring them back into line.

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I would just like to add my support for the Admin team it is often a thankless task to run something like this where there is rarely praise and often complaints.

I have an anecdote from work :- for 20 odd years we have had a tea/coffee club that provides unlimited tea and coffee to all members for £2/month. Each week there is a rota of members to get milk and the cost is also covered by the £2. One person runs the club and over the years there have been 5 people who have taken that role. They ensure that there is tea/coffee/decaff/sugar and in the summer soft drinks. In the early days when there was a surplus there also used to be biscuits. No one that has ever run the club has had anything but complaints, if ever the sugar runs out or worse the coffee - tea drinkers that don't take sugar are more tolerant :-). They get complaints every time they go to collect the subs " I am sure I paid", "didnt you collect this last week", " I am sure you are pocketing some of this", or the classic "I dont have any cash with me today" which typically lasts 6 weeks or more. It is a thankless task as so many nice things people do that seem to go unappreciated.

So once again from me to the Admin team a BIG THANKS !! If it wasn't for this forum myself and my wife would not have a great new hobby.


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Someone got happy with the smilies last night and was making a right old mess. Thought I'd stay around till a mod and/or admin turned up and mention it (as if they wouldn't notice! who was I kidding)

Went for a read up for a bit on mounts and stuff, only to come back to a polished result, all gone! AND! no mods?

Kudos to the 'ninja-esque' performance mystical mod/admin, it is appreciated.

Like you say, it must be like playing 'Whack'a'mole sometimes.

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Sorry to hear this and the extra and unnecessary stress and hassle it places on the mods and admin. For myself, it's amazing how useful the ignore function is...been here a month or so and I have quite a list growing :-)

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