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Rosette after modding my canon 350 today


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Well I took the plunge and modded my Canon 350D this evening and was able to go out with it and do the same thing I did last night when it was unmodded with the red light blocking filter in it.

So here are my results the first picture is tonight's image with the now modded Canon 350D and the second one was the one I did last night before it was modded so you can see what a big difference doing the mod makes.

both are done with 60x 1 minute subs 30 darks flats ISO 800 for all of them.:D:D

Rosette with Modded camera


And from last night before the mod.


And the Horse head still working on the Orion Nebula but will post on here when Im done..


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Thanks Stan I was amazed at how much more colour you get after modding the camera and these were unguided images of only 1 minute subs so cant wait to try some guided ones. Waiting for my laptop to get fixed as the dam screen broke but really pleased my mod all worked out and with the image I got chuffing along like a train mate :D

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Very good :D. Well done for doing the mod, it's not something I would have dreamed of attempting with my fingers! I was quite happy to pay Astronomiser to do it! :(

Cheers Andy its not that bad once you get started I think the biggest fear is just before you start doing it, then once you get started the worry that it might not work followed by the big sigh of relive when you switch it on and its all ok. But nice to be able to get more from the camera now.:)

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I will be modded by summer, just not sure what and how yet....

QM I would be tempted to stick a wide camera lens on your modded 350D , and take some wide subs of orion area, heart and soul etc etc I reckon you would get some awesome results mate, and best of all whilst your waiting for the laptop fix you wouldn't need to guide with a wide lens!.....

Stan :D

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Well my next spend will be on an QHY5 I suspect but if your going to do a mod why not get a second hand 350d they go very cheap and are a great camera I love mine to bits. And there lighter then the others.

I dont have any lenses for the Canon as I use my lumix G1 for piggy back work but it only does 4 minutes on bulb.

Still lots of fun to be head with my guiding set up as yet.

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Thanks John Im glad it all worked when I put it back together this evening and it was great to get to test it out.

I find that if I sit in a chair willing the clouds to go away they roll in faster try going in for a hot chocolate then peaking out the window that often works but you can bet you life when you pack away the telescope it will go clear as a bell :D

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Well QM thats incredible, what a diffference and nicely done illustrating the difference, I thought it would be good but not THAT! good, I must look out for a Dslr body to mod, I can't do my D1100 as I've paid for 3 years warranty which would be voided:( well done on the mod:) I was going to give the Rosette a go tonight but its badly positioned for me at the moment and sets behind my house quite early, so I'm out with M51 again, but this time armed with Apo, watch this space:D

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Thank very much Spikey and Starfox I got some great subs tonight wonderful to be able to test it out on my 3 favs Rosette Horse Head and Orion Nebula will post that on here tomorrow but heres the horse head from tonight. 30x60sec 30 darks and flats


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Very well done QM for modifying your 350d. looking at your HH above you are definitely going in the right direction.

Thank you Morimarty since getting the Canon 350d I have been able to get much clearer images so doing the modification has really helped that and getting the guiding conversion done. But the biggest help has been this forum and the folks on here who have been so helpful.:D

Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk

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