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my last bino question honest!


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well i know iv asked alot of questions last few weeks but i seem to have narrowed the type of bins i want

i origionally started with seeing as good as my scope and got the 15X70s as they were on offer with FLO but after they went out of collimation i was a little let down :D expess as i really need to learn the sky and got too used to "goto"

so buying TLAO as i think it will help

im down to 8X40 or 10x50

and specifically

First Light Optics - Opticron Aspheric WA ZWCF GA 8x40

and the ollys for either 10X50 or 8x40

so which would you advise me on i do have a cheapy tripod and a metal bino tripod to bino adapter so not a problem.

id like it to be weather proof and small to fit in car or my coat (but i do have a helly hanson ski jacket i use

so please shoot down anything and suggest anything in them 2 ranges please guys :)

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The Opticron have a shorter close focus, so if you might find back yard bird watching also appealing these can get into even the smallest garden. Can't see it say if they are waterproof or nitrogen filled, so I'm guessing they are probably not.

I'm into that back yard thing but went with 10x50 as, this time, I wanted some more mag for astro and terrestrial (already had 8x32), and as a result I'm still looking at adding 7or8 x something or other. 40mm-56mm is probably the something or other at a guess. My 8x32 are starting to reach the end of their useful life for me as an everyday grab and go.

It's more about fitting the needs of what you might conceivably find interesting to look at. Brands and details may slightly take a back seat as having technically wonderful bins that can't do what you really wanted are not going to be much consolation.

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I Can see what you mean about brands. Like a Sony laptop why spend another 400 for just a badge?

I do quite like the sound of 8x40 opticrons (expess the nov11 review in S&N but looking at that review it dosent seem to have kept the same across the board. It seems different objects were chosen and the scorin system didn't seem to work (example between the visionary n Helios). If any one has any of the 4 bin which were tested any chance you can point me towards any other good points

I do like bird watching but not needed really. I wish there was somewhere close where I could test before I buy :D

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I just bought the Opticron Aspheric 10x50s from FLO. Dioptic a bit on the stiff side (but not a bad thing as only me using it). Am now considering an Opticron 8x32 as well!

(Regardless of bino size you probably want to get a decent-ish tripod. The Horizon 8115 might be one to look at?).

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Iv got a tripod it isn't the best (£20 in pcworld? ) but it seemed ok for

My 15x70s but I might look at that tripod:) I really need to learn the sky and I guess that's where this all boils down to :D is there any resources for comparing bins anywhere. I was a little put off at the 10x50s as the aldi ones just seemed rubbish tbh :(.

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is there any resources for comparing bins anywhere.

You could do worse than visit Binocular Sky (in particular the page on choosing a first binocular). The author, tetenterre (aka Steve), frequents these forums...

I'd was going to suggest that you post as many questions as you like on this SGL binocular forum but you've ruled that one out with the title of this post (evil grin!:D).

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As I allegedly :D "frequent" this space, I suppose I ought to express an opinion. A decent 8x40 is good -- probably better than a budget 10x50 (especially since some of them are stopped down to around 43mm anyway). But a 10x50 of equivalent quality to an 8x40 will blow it away in all aspects but one: an 8x40 is easier to hold steadily. But ultimately, the best binocular for you is the one you will use the most. For years, mine was a 10x42 -- recently superseded by a good quality 15x70.

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I have a cheap pair of 7x50 binoculars that I was hoping to use to get me and the kids started, if only the cloud would dissapear. After checking out Grunthos's link, I read through Steve's website, notably the Evaluation page, and I now know I have THE cheapest binocular ever produced lol. They have just about every issue listed on that page! Strangely enough, I was just about to post a question along the lines of.."what fault produces what visible effect in a pair of binos" when I found this thread and all my questions were answered.

Great info chaps, thanks :D

Another purchase to go on the ever-growning list... :(

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Hehe, that's just stage fright!

We all read up as much as we can then first night out we forget all of it and then feel a bit foolish!:D

This is as far as I got tonight (link), now that is downright silly, but was also fun!:(

Just run through the list at BinocularSky a bit at a time as much as you can manage in one sitting, come back to it a few times if you need to.

You'll be fine.:)

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